Chapter 10: The Cure

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The Cure

3rd Person

Will Solace, Bianca's father, emerged from the room where Annabeth was being treated.

"Hello, Charlotte. Nice to have you here," he greeted her.

"Will, is she alright?" Jason inquired.

"She seems to have been unconscious for a long time, possibly months. She's been poisoned, specifically with Chimera's poison. It seems she was forced to consume Ambrosia and Nectar to keep her alive," he replied.

"Is there an antidote for the poison?" Piper nervously asked, concerned for her best friend but relieved that Annabeth was back.

"Yes, there is. We had some here, but it seems we've run out. Camp Jupiter has it. You can go there and get it," Will explained before being interrupted by Bianca.

"I'll go. I want to meet Auntie Hazel, Emily, and Sammy," Bianca declared.

"I'll go too, for my mother," Charlotte replied.

"That sounds like a good plan," Chiron said.

"Gah, Chiron, when did you come here?" Jason exclaimed, startling poor Ethan Grace who was sleeping on his shoulder.

"I was the one who brought Annabeth here," Chiron replied with a smile.

"I'll go with them," Piper added, making a pun with her words.

"What about me?" Skye inquired.

"Maybe Charlotte, Bianca, and Skye can go," Nico suggested.

"That seems okay," Nico continued.

"That's settled. Charlotte Jackson, Bianca Solace Di Angelo, and Skye Grace are going to Camp Jupiter. They can use any means of transport they like. You shall leave after lunch," Chiron announced.

"No shadow travelling, Bianca," Will added.

"Alright," Bianca said, dragging out the 'T' in her response.

Just then, the lunch bell rang, and Charlotte looked at Bianca with questioning eyes.

"Yes, Charlotte, you can sit at the Poseidon table because Athena is crowded," Piper answered for Bianca.

Charlotte smiled and joined Bianca at the Poseidon table, ignoring the stares from the other campers.

Chiron stomped his foot to get the campers' attention and explained the situation with Annabeth and the quest that Charlotte, Bianca, and Skye were embarking on.

After lunch, Charlotte packed only a few things as they were going to use pegasi to travel to Camp Jupiter.


So yeah
This chapter is longer but  i don't want to make it like a  1000 words. My limit was 800-900 words Max so i cut this short and am going to make a part 2.

Ya girl out.



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