Chapter 14: Finding the Truth

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Finding the Truth

3rd Person PoV

The words "Kronos, for revenge" hung in the air, casting a palpable sense of dread over the assembled group. The revelation that their ancient foe Kronos might be behind the altering of their memories and the impending third Titan War weighed heavily on everyone's minds.

"But—" Hazel started to say, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

"Yes, Kronos. Revenge for beating him twice and his mother," Charlotte interjected, her eyes filled with a mix of fear and determination. "According to what Percy and I have concluded, Kronos most probably kidnapped his sister and has forced her to change our memories, making sure to wipe out the existence of Poseidon's and Athena's legacy."

The gravity of the situation began to sink in as the camp councillors exchanged worried glances. Lou Ellen, councillor of the Hecate Cabin, summed it up succinctly, "So you mean to say that we will be going against Kronos again. The 3rd Titan War is starting."

"We need a prophecy," Chiron declared, acknowledging the severity of the situation.

Curiosity gnawed at Clarisse, who wanted to know more about what had transpired during Annabeth and Percy's quest. "Wait, Annabeth, what happened after that? I mean, like, what happened to Percy?"

Annabeth's eyes held a deep sadness as she recalled those tumultuous times. "Well, after we realized this, we went to find Mnemosyne. We almost succeeded, but in the end, we failed."

"What happened?" Bianca Solace-Di Angelo asked, her eyes filled with concern.

"At this point, we were on the run for almost a year and a half. We were so close to Mnemosyne's prison when we were attacked by the Chimera. Look, Percy never defeated it like everyone thinks. He fled from it. The monster was too strong. We tried to fight it again, as we were older and stronger now and thought we could defeat it. We had almost done it. Percy stabbed it hard, but before it disintegrated, its tail got me. I don't remember after that. So probably, I must have gotten poisoned by the Chimera, according to Charlotte. I was unconscious for almost five months. I have no idea what happened to Percy." Annabeth's voice trembled with a mix of sorrow and uncertainty.

Chiron nodded, disappointed that they had no lead on Percy's whereabouts. "Well, most probably, we will need a prophecy," Charlotte suggested, her thoughts still in a daze from all the information.

As if on cue, the spirit of the Oracle took over Rachel Elizabeth Dare, and a hushed silence fell over the room as they eagerly awaited the prophecy:

"The legacy of wisdom and sea, 

Shall face the returning foe.

 Memory shall be released, 

To remember the past hidden below. 

Time will withstand the power 

Of the returned lost one.

 To see the world preserved 

And a better one to have begun."

Nobody spoke, as the words of the prophecy sank in, each line filled with potential meaning and ominous portent.

"The last lines seem significant," Leo commented, trying to inject some levity into the heavy atmosphere. However, he received a swift smack on the head for his efforts.

"Okay, but seriously, are you and Percy like prophecy magnets or something?" Leo quipped, gesturing to Annabeth.

Annabeth glared at Leo, her mind preoccupied with the prophecy's implications.

"Can we discuss it?" Katie suggested, breaking the silence.

There were half-hearted agreements, and the camp councillors began to dissect the prophecy line by line, attempting to decipher its meaning.

"The first line clearly mentions Charlotte," Clarisse noted.

"Does the second line refer to Kronos?" Piper wondered aloud.

"Maybe?" was the collective uncertain response.

"The 3rd and 4th lines might suggest that Mnemosyne will be released and return our memories," Holly, a Nike camper, suggested.

"The next few lines are confusing," Piper mused.

Hazel's voice cut through the growing confusion as she made a startling connection, "WAIT, during the last Titan War, Luke Castellan was the host for Kronos... This time?"

Realization dawned over everyone, and all eyes turned to Annabeth. They noticed her flinch at the mention of Luke Castellan's name.

"He doesn't always need a host," Chiron whispered, his words nearly inaudible but amplified in the quiet room.

"WHAT?" The campers exclaimed, their attention now riveted on Chiron.

"Look, he doesn't always need a host. He only had Luke because he didn't gain enough energy in time. He used Luke as a stepping stone."

Annabeth remained silent, indicating that she had been aware of this fact.

"You knew this, didn't you?" Piper asked, pressing Annabeth for an explanation.

Annabeth nodded softly, reluctant to delve into the painful memories of that time.

The campers, however, were persistent, and they kept staring at her until she finally relented. "Look, I only told this to Percy... Luke visited my house the summer before the war. He wanted me to run away with him again. He didn't tell me anything, but he did mention that Kronos was using him and that he was going to die. I didn't believe him and asked him to leave. Later, during the war, I realized what he was saying."

Understanding washed over everyone, mingled with sympathy for Annabeth's difficult choice.

"We need a quest," Chiron announced, redirecting the conversation to their immediate concerns.

"To what? The prophecy didn't tell us where to go," Hazel pointed out.

"It doesn't need to tell us," Annabeth replied cryptically.

"What—" Piper began, only to be interrupted by Annabeth.

"Like I told you, Percy and I had found out where Mnemosyne is kept. We were almost there."

"Where?" the campers chorused in unison.

"Athens, the capital of Greece, the birthplace of Western civilization, sacred to Athena," Annabeth revealed, her voice filled with determination. "It's the place where the Poseidon and Athena's rivalry started and kind of ended because of Percy and me."



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