Chapter 7: Just claim me already.

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Just claim me already

Charlotte had to be honest; her initial days at camp were a lot of fun, filled with excitement and new experiences. She discovered a natural talent for sword fighting, although finding a balanced sword had proven to be a challenge. Fortunately, Skye and Bianca had been there to offer their assistance.

These days were all about getting new friends and meeting the children of the Heroes of Olympus. However, she couldn't help but notice something whenever she met the Seven—the heroes of the prophecy that had saved Olympus. Their reactions seemed strange, as they stared at her with a mix of surprise and curiosity. Charlotte couldn't figure out if there was something unusual about her appearance was it the zit on her forehead?

Maya Valdez, the daughter of Leo Valdez and Calypso Valdez, had kindly offered to make her a custom sword. The weapon, aptly named Storm, fit her perfectly and even had the added feature of transforming into a bracelet. Charlotte found it to be quite cool.

Despite her talents and the friendships she had formed, Charlotte couldn't escape the whispers and stares she received from some campers. It became apparent that her lack of claiming was t apparently weird. Percy Jackson had advocated for the gods to claim their children and legacies either at the age of 13 or upon their arrival at camp. Unfortunately for Charlotte, she was only 11, so she remained unclaimed.

Her daily routine at camp followed a familiar pattern:

1.Wake up.

2.Take a peaceful stroll along the beach.

3.Enjoy breakfast.

4.Engage in sword fighting class.

5.Conquer the climbing wall.

6.Savor lunch.

7.Spend quality time with her friends Bianca and Skye.

8.Send an Iris Message to her grandmother and have a chat with Estelle.

9.Struggle through archery class.

10.Gather for dinner.

11.Return to her cabin for some rest.


As the summer days passed, the once-exciting routine became very very boring. Charlotte couldn't shake off the feeling of boredom that had settled in. An entire summer of doing the same without even knowing her identity was complete, and she couldn't help but anticipate the moment when she would finally meet Estelle again.


I know

I know. A extremely short chapie. Sorry guys.


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