Chapter 9: The mysterious lady

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Charlotte PoV

The proclamation from the camp had taken Charlotte by surprise, causing Skye and Bianca to react with visible shock. Feeling increasingly uncomfortable with all the attention on her, Charlotte decided to break away from the spotlight. She ran towards Chiron, brushing aside the stares she received from her fellow campers.

With an air of determination, Charlotte wasted no time in explaining herself to Chiron. Her words tumbled out in a nervous stutter as she managed to convey, "Chiron... beach... a... woman... unconscious." Chiron's initial surprise at her calm reception of her divine parentage quickly gave way to understanding.

Charlotte elaborated further, telling him, "I... I figured that I was a legacy of Poseidon the moment I realized that I could breathe underwater today." Chiron nodded in acknowledgment, having processed her revelation.

"Show me the way, dear," he said with a warm smile, prepared to assist Charlotte with the situation she had discovered on the beach.

They hurried back to the beach together, where Charlotte pointed out the unconscious woman to Chiron. Upon seeing her, Chiron momentarily froze in shock, prompting Charlotte to urge him into action. She shouted, "Chiron, she needs help. Stop staring, Chiron!"

Bianca and Skye, along with the remaining prophesied seven, soon arrived at the scene. They too were taken aback by the sight before them. Charlotte implored them, "Help her, who... what... why are you standing there?"

Chiron quickly took charge, lifting the unconscious woman and galloping towards the infirmary. The gravity of the situation began to dawn on the others as they processed what had just happened.

"Oh my Gods," Bianca whispered, her voice trembling with a mix of shock and awe.

Leo Valdez couldn't contain his excitement, exclaiming, "I knew it, I knew it! I knew they were alive!" His joyous celebration contrasted starkly with the tense atmosphere.

"LEO, SHUT UP!" Piper McLean yelled, trying to maintain order in the chaos.

Piper then called Charlotte over and hugged her tightly, expressing their regret for not finding her sooner. Overwhelmed by the revelation about her parents and the presence of her mother, Annabeth Chase, Charlotte struggled to find words.

"It's... okay, but who was that person?" Charlotte managed to ask, her curiosity breaking through her emotional turmoil.

The expressions on their faces shifted, signaling that there was more to the story. Piper finally admitted, "She... She is Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena and your-"

"Mother," Charlotte finished, her mind racing with the implications of this newfound knowledge. Her emotions were a whirlwind; she had discovered her missing parents and realized her mother was right in front of her.

Unable to articulate her feelings, Charlotte simply stammered, "I... I..." Her world had shifted dramatically in mere moments.

Piper attempted to comfort her, reassuring her that everything would be alright. She encouraged Charlotte to call her "Auntie Piper" and told her that she had a supportive family at camp who would help her reunite with her mother.

Left alone with Bianca and Skye, Charlotte was soon overwhelmed by their reactions. Skye rambled about how she had suspected Charlotte's parentage based on her resemblance to Annabeth and Percy Jackson, while Bianca enthusiastically embraced her.

Charlotte playfully punched Skye and remarked, "So, you're the Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase's daughter. Mhm... NICE TO MEET YOU," drawing out the last words with humor.

Bianca chimed in, "Guys, you're seriously ADHD," as they shared a moment of levity.

Then Skye expressed her desire to meet Charlotte's mom, which reminded Charlotte of her impending visit to the infirmary. Her feelings of resentment towards her parents for their long absence resurfaced, and she wished she could confront them for leaving her alone.

"Charlotte... CHARLOTTE!"

Startled from her thoughts, Charlotte responded with a sputter, "Gah, what?"

Skye asked with concern, "Um, you kinda zoned out, you okay?"

"Uhh, yeah, let's go," Charlotte replied, pushing her emotions aside. Together, they made their way to the infirmary, where a new chapter in Charlotte's life was about to unfold.

Um yeah guys that's it..........
I know it sucks but come on....

K I make sure the next few chappies are good.

The image on top is something I made.

Bye c ya

Ya girl Petra out

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