Chapter 5: Capture the flag

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Capture the flag

After dinner, Bianca took the time to explain the rules of capture the flag to Charlotte. She also asked Charlotte to join her team, as the Hermes cabin was playing alongside the Hades and Apollo cabins. The game started quickly, and Charlotte found herself assigned to border patrol, which meant she missed out on some of the action.

The teams were divided as follows:

The Blue team included Hades, Apollo, Hermes, Athena, and Demeter.

The Red team consisted of Zeus, Aphrodite, Ares, Dionysus, and Hephaestus.

Charlotte stood ready in her armor, which was a couple of sizes too big, and gripped a shield that felt like a banner in her hands. She waited at the border, watching as members of the Blue team raced past her.

A kid from the Red team attempted to cross the creek, catching Charlotte's attention. It was a blonde-haired girl with kaleidoscope eyes. Charlotte recognized her as Skye Grace, the legacy of Jupiter and Aphrodite, the daughter of Jason Grace and Piper McLean-Grace.

Charlotte positioned herself in front of Skye, who smirked and taunted her. 

Skye initiated the fight, and Charlotte felt overwhelmed. Skye had trained extensively, whereas Charlotte felt like a pathetic loser who barely knew how to hold a sword. However, when Skye struck, Charlotte unexpectedly managed to block her attack.

Surprise flickered across Skye's face as Charlotte countered with a strike, which Skye swiftly parried. Skye then lunged at Charlotte, but just as she was about to land a hit, Charlotte missed her and made a  cut on her forearm.

Dizziness overcame Charlotte as she saw her own blood. Skye capitalized on the opportunity, shoving her into the creek.

As Charlotte touched the creek water, she felt an immediate improvement in her condition. Before she could retaliate, the conch horn sounded, signaling the end of the game. The flag Bianca carried was blue and outlined with the symbol of Hades.

Cheers erupted from the victorious team, despite Skye's gracious acceptance of defeat. She extended her hand to help Charlotte up and offered her a piece of Ambrosia to heal her wound.

Bianca joined them, explaining how Capture the Flag was played and noting Charlotte's newfound friendship with Skye.

Charlotte smiled, grateful for the friend she had found in her first day at camp. Together, Bianca and Skye led her toward the amphitheater, excited for the evening's storytelling session.

"Today is the best day. They're going to tell us stories about the Greek world's best heroes to ever live," Skye cheered.

Bianca added, "Wait, let me go tell Papa that I'll sit with you."

"I'm going to tell Mom that I'm sitting with you. I'll also say hi to Ethan," Skye said as she headed off to inform her parents.

By the time they both returned, Chiron had already begun announcing the evening's story.

"Hello, campers. Today is Thursday, which means it's Story Day. Today's story is about Perseus, aka Percy Jackson, and Annabeth Chase-Jackson. Their adventure started like this—"

Time passed as Chiron narrated the tale, and soon it was time for bed.

"After they defeated the battle with Gaea, they got married, and Annabeth gave birth to a girl. They were going to name her at camp, so they brought the newborn immediately to camp. Unfortunately, a monster had planned a car crash and killed them all. We're not sure if they are dead or missing, but they were declared dead. Today marks the day that this tragedy happened about 10 years ago."

Chiron concluded, "Alright, campers, it's time for bed. A warning: if you venture out of your cabins after curfew, the Harpies may eat you. Good night, campers."

Bianca and Skye waved goodnight and departed, leaving Charlotte deep in thought about the fate of the two heroes who had saved Olympus.

Proud of her newfound friendships, Charlotte made her way back to the Hermes cabin. Inside, Rose Stroll, the daughter of Travis and Katie Stroll, welcomed her and assigned her a bunk as she entered the dream world.

So that's all for today.

I am planning not to do a author note cause I seriously don't have any idea what to type here so yeah.

Ya girl out

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