Chapter 12: M...Mother ?

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Charlotte had never imagined this moment would come, the reunion with her mother after twelve long years of separation.

The emotions coursing through her were a tumultuous mix of excitement, nervousness, and a deep longing that had gnawed at her soul since she could remember. It wasn't her mother's fault that they had been apart for so long. Charlotte understood that, but it didn't make the moment any less overwhelming.

Inside the room where her mother had been kept, Charlotte found herself surrounded by familiar faces. Jason, Frank, Piper, and Hazel, her mother's closest friends, were there. They had been a constant presence in Charlotte's life, and she had come to love and respect them like her own family.

Will Solace, the skilled healer of Camp Half-Blood, had managed to cure her mother. All she needed now was time to wake up from her long slumber, and Charlotte held onto the hope that they would be able to pick up where they had left off.

In this critical moment, Charlotte was not alone. She had Bianca and Skye with her. Bianca, with her head resting on Charlotte's shoulder, provided a comforting presence. Skye, whose inner Aphrodite was showing, rambled on about the attractiveness of an Apollo camper, a stark contrast to the heavy emotions in the room. Charlotte couldn't help but smile; her life was undeniably complicated.

As she stood there, surrounded by these friends and her thoughts, Charlotte's mind drifted to her grandparents and, with a pang of guilt, to Estelle. She hadn't contacted them since the attack, and she felt an urgent need to reach out to them as soon as her mother woke up. Family, both biological and chosen, was precious to her, and she needed to make amends.

Meanwhile, Annabeth had been trapped in the world of darkness for what felt like an eternity. She had fought tirelessly to break free, driven by her love for Percy. Thoughts of him filled her mind, both the challenging and beautiful moments they had shared, from their descent into Tartarus to the joy of having a baby girl together. Charlotte was the name that echoed in her thoughts, and Annabeth couldn't bear the idea of her daughter believing she had been abandoned.

In the midst of her struggle, Annabeth was startled to hear familiar voices. They were distant yet somehow comforting, like a lifeline in the darkness. "Annabeth, concentrate," she repeated to herself, willing herself to focus.

Slowly but surely, the voices grew clearer. "She's stirring!" someone exclaimed, and Annabeth recognized Piper's voice, her best friend, apart from Percy and Grover. Another voice, Jason Grace, called out to her, and Annabeth realized that they were both married now, possibly with children of their own.

Annabeth mustered all her strength, gasping as she felt the ability to move returning to her. She forced her eyes open, even though the intense brightness stung. Her vision was initially blurry, but she could make out five figures staring at her. Blinking away the disorientation, she saw her best friends.

"Oh my gods, Annabeth Chase, what were you thinking, leaving us alone for—" Piper began, but Annabeth interrupted her with a weak but apologetic, "Chill... sorry."

Hazel couldn't contain her emotions, and she yelled while hugging Annabeth tightly, "Chill? You want us to chill after all you did? We thought you were... dead."

The love and concern of her friends overwhelmed Annabeth as they all embraced her. Eventually, Leo, with his flaming head, burst into the room, Calypso following and scolding him to extinguish the fire. Calypso smiled warmly at Annabeth, welcoming her back.

As Annabeth slowly sat up, Frank asked her if she wanted to see her daughter. Annabeth nodded hesitantly, the thought of Charlotte filling her with both joy and anxiety. Piper gave her a reassuring squeeze as Jason left to fetch Charlotte.

When Jason returned, he gestured for someone behind him to enter. The door creaked open, and Annabeth's eyes widened in surprise. Standing there was a girl with black hair, and Annabeth's heart skipped a beat. She saw herself in that 12-year-old girl with black hair and sea-green eyes, her tears clouding her vision.

Charlotte stood there, unsure of what to do, her smile hesitant as she rubbed the back of her neck, a gesture she had likely inherited from Percy. Annabeth couldn't contain her emotions. She hugged Charlotte tightly, tears streaming down her face. "Thank you," Annabeth whispered.

Charlotte looked confused. "Thank you for what?" she asked.

Annabeth explained, "Thank you. Hazel told me about your quest. It's... It's okay. It may not be the same as my quests, but what you did was incredibly brave."

Charlotte felt her heart swell with emotion. "You know, you can call me 'Mother,' if you want to, like, again," Annabeth offered.

"Yeah, but what do you mean by 'again'?" Charlotte inquired, curiosity tinging her voice.

"Don't stutter," Annabeth reassured her. "If you want to tell me something, you can."

Charlotte laughed nervously, "Honestly, I wanted to yell at you..." Before she could finish her sentence, the door opened to reveal a smiling Chiron. Annabeth got up to hug him, and he squeezed her shoulders affectionately. As they talked, Charlotte felt a newfound closeness to her mother, as if she had known her her whole life. And slowly but surely, Charlotte was warming up to the idea of calling Annabeth "Mother" once more.

And Done

I do not own Pjo and Hoo

Tell me what you think <3


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