Chapter 6: Going Back home

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Oh Gods

My first A/N before the Chapter.

Warning: All the characters besides some belong to Rick Riordan


Going back home.

A summer later, Charlotte's peaceful dream was abruptly disrupted by Conner Stroll, who had come to wake them up. As she reluctantly woke up, she realized that today marked the last day of camp for the year. The thought that she was still unclaimed by a god or goddess weighed heavily on her mind.

After hastily finishing her breakfast, Charlotte patiently waited for her mortal family to arrive. She knew that her Grandma would come to pick her up, as Chiron had informed them that their mortal families would collect them after breakfast.

Charlotte took the opportunity to bid farewell to her camp friends, including Bianca, Melody, Skye, and Maya. With a sense of anticipation, she positioned herself near Thalia's pine tree, eager to spot her Grandma's car.

Her heart leaped with joy as she saw Grandma's car pull up, and Estelle, her sibling, step out and scan the surroundings. Estelle soon spotted Charlotte and waved. Charlotte returned the gesture with a warm hug before climbing into the car.

As Grandma started driving, she couldn't help but ask, "So how was your summer at camp?"

Charlotte sighed, expressing her disappointment. "Really, really bad," she replied. "I wasn't claimed at all, and I'm frustrated because you guys won't tell me anything either."

Grandma reassured her, "Charlotte, I'm sure you'll get claimed next summer. If you don't, I promise to reveal your true identity, okay?"

Reluctantly, Charlotte nodded. Grandma changed the topic, asking, "So, what are you good at?" She eyed Charlotte's bracelet suspiciously.

Charlotte proudly shared, "I'm not very great at archery horrible to be honest, but I quite like sword fighting and dagger handling it is fun. I also enjoy canoe racing and monster classes. By the way, this bracelet was a gift from Maya; it can transform into a sword."

Grandma smiled approvingly as Estelle nodded in interest. Soon, they arrived home, and Charlotte greeted Grandpa with a warm hug. He inquired about her summer at camp, to which Charlotte continued her stories to him.

Later playing video games with Estelle, inhaling in their favorite blue cookies.

"Charlie, Stella, dinner is ready, come eat!" Sally called them to the kitchen. With smiles on their faces, they raced each other to the dining table.

After dinner, Charlotte went to bed, thoroughly exhausted.


Time skip


Charlotte packing for her second year at Camp Half-Blood, now aged 12. She found Estelle in her room, who quickly hid whatever she was looking at on her phone when Charlotte entered. After confirming she was done packing, they decided to grab a bite to eat despite Charlotte's recent indulgence in blue cookies.

Grandma called them for dinner, and Estelle's enthusiasm for pasta was infectious. Charlotte teased her about her eating speed, causing Grandma to offer some sound advice.

After dinner, Grandma reminded Charlotte of her early departure for camp and instructed her to go to bed. Charlotte and Estelle played Uno, with Charlotte emerging as the winner. She gloated, and Estelle pouted, bidding her goodnight before heading to her room.

The next morning, Estelle woke Charlotte with a scream, prompting a groggy response from her. After a quick shower and dressing up, Charlotte joined her family in the car, ready for another year at camp.

As they arrived at Camp Half-Blood, Charlotte said her goodbyes to her family and friends. She couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism as she looked forward to a new summer, hoping it would be better than the last.


So yeah.Sorry for all the time skips

On to the next chapter.



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