Chapter 4: Meeting some people

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Meeting some people

Charlotte hiked uphill, her mind racing with thoughts and emotions. The revelations her grandmother had shared were still fresh in her mind—legacy, gods, her parents, and the term "half-blood." It was all so overwhelming.

Upon reaching the hilltop, she spotted a pine tree, just as her grandmother had described. A golden fleece was draped over it—the legendary Golden Fleece itself.

As she approached the pine tree, she felt a subtle force attempting to hold her back. Remembering her grandmother's words about the camp's protective barrier, she understood that it allowed demigods and legacies to enter. She pushed forward, and alomst no effort the barrier opened granting her access.

"Hey!" a voice called out, making her jump. She turned to see a girl, close to her own height, with wavy jet-black hair and sky blue eyes. The girl had an olive complexion that radiated warmth and confidence. Her all black attire gave off a "don't mess with me" vibe.

"Earth to whoever you are?" the girl snapped her fingers in front of Charlotte's face.

"Char...Charlotte ," she stammered in response.

"Bianca Solace Di Angelo," the girl introduced herself with a smile, extending her hand for a handshake.

"You look like a child of...Poseidon?" Bianca asked, seemingly surprised.

"No, no, I'm a legacy," Charlotte quickly clarified.

"A legacy of Poseidon?" Bianca's excitement was evident.

"No, actually, I don't know," Charlotte admitted, her confusion growing. Were they searching for a legacy of Poseidon?

"What's your last name?" Bianca questioned.


Bianca nodded, deep in thought. "Come, let me take you to Chiron."

She took Charlotte's hand and began running toward the pine tree. Charlotte couldn't contain her scream as they neared the tree. However, instead of crashing into it, they passed right through it, and the tree turned black.

Soon they emerged near a large building painted in baby blue. Charlotte's head was still spinning from the experience.

"Whatever that was, please warn me before doing it," Charlotte said to Bianca.

"Oops, sorry its Called Shadow Traveling, Pretty cool right?"

"Cool." Charlotte agreed.

"Sweet. Let's go meet Chiron," Bianca said as she skipped toward the blue building.

Charlotte followed her until they reached a room with a  ping-pong table. There, a man in a wheelchair was engaged in conversation with a blonde-haired, blue-eyed man and another man with black hair and dark brown, almost black eyes. The two men were holding hands as they argued with the man in the wheelchair.

Their discussion ceased as they noticed Charlotte and Bianca approaching.

"Hello, Bianca," the man in the wheelchair greeted, turning his attention toward Charlotte.

The two men playfully ruffled Bianca's hair and then left.

"Are you a new camper? What's your name?" the man in the wheelchair asked kindly.

"Yes, Charlotte, Charlotte Blofis," she replied.

The moment she mentioned her last name, Chiron's expression darkened. He appeared on the verge of saying something but gestured for her to continue.

"Who is Chiron? Because my grandmother told me to give this to him." Charlotte produced the letter her grandmother had given her and showed it to him.

"I am Chiron, May I see it?" Chiron said accepting the letter. He stood up from his wheelchair, revealing his true form as a centaur—Chiron himself.

He smiled at Charlotte's surprised expression as he opened the envelope and began to read. The more he read, the more his shock became evident.

"What's written in it, Chiron?" Bianca inquired.

"Nothing improtant, child. How about you show Charlotte around camp?" Chiron replied.

Bianca nodded and proceeded to give Charlotte a tour of the camp. During their walk, Charlotte couldn't help but ask, "So, are you a demigod?"

Bianca tensed up at the question. "No, I'm a legacy too. A legacy of Apollo and Hades."

Charlotte tried to ease the tension. "Cool, so darkness and light. So, your dad is a child of... and your mom is a child of...?"

Bianca stiffened further, hesitant to answer. "I'm just scared that people will judge because my parents are the same gender. I was a gift from Aphrodite to my parents."

"I won't judge," Charlotte assured her.

Finally, Bianca smiled. "My dad's Nico Di Angelo, and Will Solace—heroes of Olympus."

"That's so cool," Charlotte exclaimed.

As Bianca continued to show her around, she attempted to guess Charlotte's legacy. "Let's see... you seem athletic, so you're on the list for Athena, Hermes, or Ares. No, not Ares; their kids are buff. You're smart, so Athena and Hermes, but no, Hermes kids are good at stealing you dont seem like that.... Hey, are both your parents demigods, or only one of them?"

Charlotte replied, "Uh, I actually don't know. I'm sorry."

Bianca nodded thoughtfully as they strolled. They eventually arrived at a pavilion that Bianca had identified as the dinner pavilion. They sat down to eat.

"You'll have to sit at the Hermes cabin since you're not claimed yet," Bianca informed Charlotte. "See ya."

Charlotte made her way toward the Hermes cabin, but Chiron called out to her.

As she approached the stage, Chiron addressed the gathered campers. "Hello, children. Today, we have a new camper, Charlotte Zoe Ja... Blofis, and she is a legacy. She is unclaimed for now, but I hope she will be claimed soon. We have a game of capture the flag today, so enjoy your dinner."

Charlotte couldn't help but wonder if Chiron had intended to say something else about her last name. He instructed her to leave the stage, and she headed toward the Hermes table, eager to learn more about her newfound home at Camp Half-Blood.

There we go that chapter is done c you guys in the next chapter.

Also can I call you guys blue cookies?

Ya girl out

Daughter of Poseidon

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