Something to keep you busy

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Hey my wonderful silhouettes, just wanted to chat with y'all, and to thank you for reading my amateur works, speaking of amateur works, I wrote an original story a while back, but at the time I was inexperienced with Wattpad and had trouble with the rankings so I hit a wall with the 'reads' and they weren't going anywhere and got stagnant at a certain point, but after some changing of tags, it finally got a ranking 🎉 and getting some reads, same goes for my poetry closet.

I wrote it when I hadn't read enough smut to strengthen my foundation abit, so it was a very innocent GL at first, I could even call it PG......But after some thought, I decided to rewrite and add some smut yesterday night, yes you heard 1am somewhere there instead of studying. It's the first time I've written some smut, so after making some amendments😂, I wanted to recommend you guys to check it out, although I haven't changed much content wise, I felt lazy and blacked out at some point during the night, so if there are any spelling errors, punctuation makes.....I ask for you're leniency in advance, I'm only human, I wrote it long ago and my only concern was editing one of the chapters to add a bit of spice;

The name: "My Awakening"

Status: complete

Chapters: 15 very short (it was a one-short at first, but I decided to split up the chapters 🤫)

I'd appreciate it if you'd check it out, in the meantime.

Shadow is still in the works, next update's gonna be thick(⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠).

Shadow // TGCF Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now