Chapter 24

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"sir, you called?" Says the secretary, as he stands in the center of Xie Lian's specious office.

Xie Lian leans forward, tilting his head slightly as his face rests in one hand while the other taps on the desk lightly. He seems to be contemplating some things, lost in thought, the secretary is not even sure if Xie Lian has noticed his presence yet, he just transferred to this enterprise not long ago and he's never seen his boss so distracted, he always saw Xie Lian with an expressionless, indifferent and extremely serious cold face; only occasionally smiling when that famous fashion designer visits, but there's something about this distracted appearance that's just so cute and enticing, one can't help but take a second look, the secretary had to remind himself that he's straight, otherwise his boss might just make him doubt his sexuality.

"Umm Sir, you called for me" he decided to slightly raise his voice this time.

Xie Lian snaps out of his reverie and immediately schools his expression.

"Yes, I wanted to tell you that you don't need to waste money on my proxy anymore"

To say that the secretary is surprised, is an understatement. Ever since the establishment of this enterprise, Xie Lian has never been willing to show his face, the reason is not really known, but no one questions his decisions. Thus Xie Lian hand-picked and trained a suitable candidate within the company to be his proxy in interviews and meetings where he is required to leave the company. Of course, he personally attends meetings within the company, so only the company personnels have seen his appearance....the rest are left to guess.

So suddenly hearing that they no longer have to double the proxy's salary is quite a shock, in fact, it's an earthquake. The staff sometimes express their regrets, saying that if the boss showed his face even once, his appearance alone is enough to attract face fans.

"Yes, sir, I'll go arrange it as you wish"

"Ok, thanks, you may leave"

Xie Lian watches him leave, then sighs leaning backwards, his arm covering his eyes, breathing loudly as he sinks further into his seat.

"San lang....."


Secretary: "Guys! Guys! Guess what!"

Male Co-worker 1: we're getting an increase in salary?

Female Co-worker 2: Boss wants to find a wife among us ladies?~

Male Co-worker 3: Boss maybe wants to look for a husband among us? Although impossible but if so, I gladly volunteer!

Secretary: No, no and definite NO, although I wish but no!!!, Boss says that we no longer need a proxy for him.

Male Co-worker 1: "..."

Female Co-worker 2: "...."

Male Co-worker 3: "......."

All co-workers: what!?

Male Co-worker 1: wow, finally, it's actually a good thing, it always irked me when that guy was getting a double salary, so they're gonna finally cut him down hehehe

Female Co-worker 2: I'm very happy but those other ladies are gonna be lusting after him, sigh, oh well, it was a matter of time

Male Co-worker 3: It's a good thing of course, but the world is not ready for that face, sigh, I'm gonna have competition.

Secretary: what competition?, not that you even had a chance to begin with.... Ok I'll leave everything to you guys, I've relayed my message, the rest is up to you top staffs.

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