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"After the death of Zhang Shen's beloved wife, Xiao Qi. He was unable to accept it and killed himself under the same tree where he buried her. The story ends there. What did we learn here?" A lecturer said,

Then, a student raised her hand.

"Yes?" The lecturer said,

"Love can bring death if it can't be taken care of properly..." she said.

"Well, I love your "out of the box" answered, Aiqi, have a seat. However, my answer is...we can't get trapped in the past even if it hurts so badly. It's ourselves that destroys what's inside us" he said.

Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

"Okay, by then, let's call it a day and end it here...thank you class..." the lecturer went out and everyone stood up to leave the class.

Aiqi made her way to the cafeteria and waited for someone.

"Qiqi!!" Jian made her way to Aiqi.

"Why did your class end early!?" She whined and sat down.

"Well, we learned something new today!" Aiqi said in excitement.

"History?" Jian asked and she nodded.

"I'm not interested, thanks!" She takes a sip on a drink that Aiqi already ordered for her.

"You should've just listened! It's not that boring!" She tried to convince her.

"It's boring when it comes to history" she rolled her eyes and Aiqi shaked her arms, forcing her to listen.

"Come on~~ just one time~~" She said and Jian needed to put up white flag and listened to her at the end.

"Fine! Tell me! But after you told me about this, you must listen to something that I want to say!" She said in force and Aiqi nodded immediately.

After half an hour, Aiqi told the story between Emperor Zhang Shen and his wife Consort Xiao Qi.

"How stupid the Emperor! He sacrifices himself there?! That's why he shouldn't be an Emperor!" Jian hit the table in anger and it made her the center of attention.

"Enough~ everyone is looking" Aiqi calms her down.

"If I was there, I'd have slapped his face and told him to move on!" She said in courage.

"It's her wife that died, not her girlfriend! It feels like your world breaks at that moment" Aiqi said.

"Well, life must go on! Moving on is hurt but you need to go through phases where it makes you bleed so that you know that it'll less hurt once it bleeds again!" She said,

"I don't know who's quotes you generate from but that sounds nonsense" Aiqi narrowed her eyes.

"Whatever! Now, you need to hear what I wanted to say!" Jian said and Aiqi just waited for her to bring out some gossip.

"This morning, I heard that two famous entrepreneurs' sons will continue their studies here!" She said in excitement.

"Whole campus is busy talking about that?" Aiqi asked and Jian nodded.

"What useless, I can't believe that's what they're murmuring about..." she rolled her eyes.

"If you reveal your identity, I'm sure that they'll treat you like a queen here! Also, if I'm not mistaken, one of the entrepreneur's sons was your father's business partner" Jian said.

"What's his name?" Aiqi asked in laziness.

"Gu Zhou Shen," Jian said and it made Aiqi stop from doing her stuff. She looked at Jian and frowned.

"Zhou Shen?" She asked to confirm and Jian nodded in response.

"He's also got a good posture of body and good achievement in science, who knows that a guy can be that perfect~ what a great man" Jian started to imagine while Aiqi feels something mixing inside her stomach. Her eyes are looking side to side and blinking many times. Aiqi leaned back in the chair and sipped her drink to get rid of the feeling inside her.

"Are you okay Qiqi? You looked uncomfortable suddenly" Jian touched her shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm good, just thinking about my next class" she said in excuses.

To Be Continued...

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