Chapter 8 It's Just The Beginning

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"You're late..." Zhou Shen said once he saw Ren Yi opened the meeting room's door. 

"Yeah I know, it's just some matters on the way here," he said and Zhou Shen frowned looking at him.

"Oh really?" he asked, raised one of his eyebrows and Ren Yi didn't looked hesitant to nodded, there's no guilty feeling for him to show at his friend. 

"Well then, let's recaped again what we have discussed," Zhou Shen said and they started to get back on the track.

That night, while Zhou Shen have his way back home, he got a call from someone. He just get into the car when his phone ringing with unknown number. He left the phone ringing until it goes off and thought it was a scam. As his phone rings many times and finally he received a message from that number.

"It's me Ai Qi, please pick up the call," she texted and he just take a glance and ignored the message.

Once he reached his way back home, Zhou Shen give a call to her number but she already turn off her phone, made him can't reach her. He sighed and feel annoyed by her behaviour.

"You want me to pick up the call but you yourself can't do that, speak for yourself first," he replied to her messages. 

That night, he hoped into the bathroom and take a quick shower then laid down on the bed once he had dried his hair. Zhou Shen looked at his phone which sit on the nightstand and there's a feeling inside of him wanted to wait until she give a reply or give him a return call.

An hour passed but he just stared at the phone while there's no calls or notification messages. When he was about to close his eyes, his phone ringing and he immdiately woke up and picked up the call. 

"Zhou Shen!" he heard Nana's voice and take a look at the contact name 'Hu Xie Na' and he sighed heavily.

"What do you want? It's late night now..." he said in boring manner and Nana giggled. 

"You seems to care enough to pick up my call that fast at the late night~" she said and he put his hand inside his pocket and looked through the balcony glass door. He scoffed through the phone call.

"You misunderstood my action, I was actually hoping for someone else's call but unfortunately  got yours," he said and it's already enough to drive her mad. 

"You! Zhou Shen...I won't allowed you to get married with that girl!" she straightforwardly said and he giggled. 

"You must be dreaming now if you think I would stop this marriage just because you want me to, you ain't my mother and you have absolutely no rights to tell me what to do," he said and she already expected his answer.

"Come on Zhou Shen, I already know you for years and I know you'll never be happy with someone you don't love," she tried to convince him but Zhou Shen wouldn't buy it.

"And what makes you think I'll come to you? I know your intentions very well and being with you are no different from standing on the shattered mirror," he said and she blew off hearing it as he referred her as a bad luck.

"Zhou Shen! You're crossing the line!" she yelled and he just smirked.

"I're in a bad mood, let's call it a day and talked again when you already calmed down," he said and ended the call immdiately. 

"Zhou Shen! Hey!" she yelled at her phone and throw it across the room once he already hung up. 

"Just wait, I'm gonna make sure you'll be mine no matter what," she monologue.

That night, Zhou Shen couldn't close his eyes so he changed his clothes and have a midnight drive around the town. He leaned against the bumper of his car with his arms crossed while he looked down the town. He ascended to the mountain while under the influence, drawn by the allure of witnessing the twinkling lights of the town below. 

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