Chapter 3 Family Dinner

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It's dinner time and both families sitting at the dining table together and have few small talks while dig in the dishes. Fathers were sitting at the end of the table and the mothers sitting next to each other while Ai Qi sitting uncomfortably next to Zhou Shen.

Both parents were talking lively with each others. Meanwhile Ai Qi could feel an extreme coldness next to her. 

"Eh Qi Qi, why are you so silent? Talk with Xiao Shen," her mother said and she just smiled.

"Xiao Shen, it's been so long, why don't you say something to Xiao Qi," his father said to him and Zhou Shen was about to answer his father when he got distracted by his call ringtone. He get off from chair and excused himself to answer the call at the living room.

"Hello," he picked up the call.

"Hello Zhou Shen, where are you? I'm in front of your house," Ren Yi asked as he's standing in front of Zhou Shen's house gate.  

"I'm at Mr. Chen's house, we're having dinner with my dad's old friend, why?" he asked

"Oh, well Nana called and said she was at hospital because she fainted again, I  tried to look for you at your house because I called you this evening and you didn't answered it," Ren Yi said and Zhou Shen sighed heavily.

"You go first and checked on her, I'll be there later..." he said and ended the call then immediately take his coat and excused himself from the dinner.

"Excuse me, I need to go somewhere, there's an emergency..." he said and his parents were looking at him frowned. Before he could step away, his mother stopped him.

"Wait Xiao Shen, may I know what's that emergency till you need to leave this immediately?" his mother asked knowing his son wouldn't leave in the middle of meet unless if there's any truly important things need to be done. 

"My friend was at the hsopital..." he said without hiding the truth.

"Is it Xiao Ren or who?" his mother sternly asked for more and he just sighed heavily knowing that if he said it was Nana, she'll not let him go.

"Let him go, Li Wei. Maybe his friend really need him," Mrs. Chen said and his mother could just sighed and let him go. However his father said something before he go.

"Once you return back home, let's have some talk," his father said and he just nodded. Zhou Shen immediately walked out and go to the parking lot and drive out of the housing area. 

He put on his earpod and made a call to Ren Yi, asking about Nana's condition.

"How is she now?" he asked as his eyes focused on the road.

"I just arrived at the hospital, I was about to ask about her room number at the reception desk, I'll update you later," Ren Yi said and ended the call.

"Excuse me, could you please tell me the room number for Hu Xie Na?" Ren Yi asked and the receptionist asked how's he related to the patient.

"I'm his friend, I've receive a called from the doctor to come," he said and showed the prove of the phone call. Right after he got the room's number, Ren Yi knocked the door and walked in. 

Nana was laying on the bed steadily and was excited to see someone entered the room thought it was Zhou Shen but she was wrong after saw it was Ren Yi. She laid back down and continued watching her cellphone.

"It's you..." she said uninterested.

"I know you're waiting for Zhou Shen, he's on his way here," he said as he take a seat after seeing her looking fine and not like how the doctor describe which is tired and weak. Ren Yi already tired with Nana's act that always wanted Zhou Shen's attention.

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