Chapter 7 Accidentally

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"The flight will be delayed tomorrow so I still have time to think about..." Ren Yi said as he walked at the lobby while calling with someone when he saw Nana at the waiting area. He ended the call and walked towards her then Nana stood up to face him.

"You seems anxious, you heard the news aren't you?" he smirked when she looked at him with anger burnt in her eyes. 

"That isn't true right? Tell me that wasn't true!" she said, raising an octave of her voice. 

"I don't know, you can ask Zhou Shen yourself, I'm not interested in someone else's business," he said and walked away with his hands inside the pocket but Nana suddenly hold his arm. 

"You'll not go anywhere until you tell me who's this girl that Zhou Shen got paired with!" she insisted him and Ren Yi just sighed in annoyance. He take off her hand from his arm and wipe away the place she had touched.

"Stay away from someone's husband before you got hurt by your own action," he said and immediately left. Nana could just see him walking away and feel her rages lit up. She stomped away, left the office building.

Ren Yi get on his car and drive away from the parking lot. He was driving over the speed limit when suddenly a girl crossed the road right in front of his car. She was rushing and didn't alert to his car presence and got hit by his car bumper. 

He pressed the break pedal and hit himself at the steering wheel too. Ren Yi take off his belt and walked out of the car, not a panicked appeared on his face but frustration because of the clumsy girl that didn't know the rules on the road. 

"Can't you see left and right before crossing?!" he yelled hard to a girl who's sitting on the road as her leg was in pain. She was startled to hear his voice and raised her voice back to him.

"It's you who didn't know the rules on the road! Can't you see the traffic light?! Are you colourblind?!" she pointed at the traffic light which is still red and he hold back his breath as he really didn't realized the traffic light.

Meanwhile the girl tried to stand up and realized that her leg is bleeding and probably broke. She was whining and sobbing a little. 

Ren Yi turned back to her and saw how pitiful she is. He then acted promptly by lifting her up and put her into his car, at the passanger seat. She was surprised that she didn't have time to resisted him and taken aback by unspoken action.

"H-hey, where are you going to bring me?!" she turned to him when he already drove away and he just went silent, left his face expressionless. She then started to get panicked and tried to open the door but she can't.

"Hey! Unlocked the door! Where are you going to bring me?!" she said and he just sighed.

"Where do you think I'm gonna bring you?" he said without looking away from the road. 

"Unlock this door now!" she yelled at him and he just smirked.

"if you wished to die..." he said calmly.

"You!" she was about to hit him when he suddenly entered the emergrncy department at a hospital. She was confused and reliefs at the same time. He then opened car door and called the nurse to help her get off from his car. 

After she've been treated, she asked the receptionist about the cost and the medicine and she said that the guy who comes with her already paid for it. She frowned and looked around where is the guy.

"Umm sorry, may I know where's the guy I came with going?" she asked the nurse and the nurse just shook her head saying the guy just left once he paid for the medical bills. 

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