Chapter 13 First Case

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"Why would you give me this case, Mr. Callaghan?" she asked as she went through a confidential file that was filled with proves and information.

"Because I've seen all of your works and I'm more than impressed, I want you to try this case and sent the report back to me as your final semester assignment, if you managed at least comes up with theories and proofs, I can count that you have passed all of my assignments..." he said and handed a confidential file.

Ai Qi sighed heavily and went through the file roughly, she noted that the case she received was one of the hottest cases that had happened in China, if the police couldn't find any further evidence, how could she get it? She lacks sources and connection to help her.

"All of your assignments you mean?" she asked for confirmation and he nodded. Ai Qi knows that she shouldn't involve herself in these worldwide cases and this isn't even one of her jobs as a college student who takes law and firm departments.

"I have lots of questions," she closed the file and Professor Callaghan just willingly answered each of her questions.

As each second passed by, Ai Qi sat at the cafeteria alone, stirring her drink with straw as the ice melted in her drink. She was in a long thought about the case she just accepted.

"...this is one of our teamwork with the police as they were interested to see our students' works...even when we're under laws and firms but we had known much and we will also cooperate with the criminology department. They'll get their certificate and you'll get your last semester result in flying colors..." she remembered what Prof. Callaghan had said and it still lingers in her mind whether accepting this case is a win or burden to her.

Suddenly someone tapped her shoulder and made her flinch. She looked around and saw Jian, Ren yi and of course Zhang Shen sitting together on the table.

"Deep in thought huh? You don't even see us walking in..." Jian said and Ai Qi just smiled.

"I just received the case and I don't know if it's a right decision to even take it in the first place..." she lifted her chin. Then Zhang Shen whispered into her ear from behind.

"Don't doubt what you have taken," he said and she flinched just to see the confidential information was already in his hand.

"I like the information inside, it's very..." before he could finish, she immediately wanted to grab back the file but he was so mischievous, keep the file higher than her height until she couldn't reach it.

"Don't act childish and give it back! Professor said that the file is confidential!! I can't let you see it!" she pulled his shirts as well his sleeve just to get back the file.

"Your file is different from mine, let me have a look at yours," he said and she let him go with confusion.

"What do you mean different? You got the same case?" she asked and he took out another confidential file from his bag.

"Nice to meet you, my partner in crime," he smirked and she snatched both files from him. She went through his file as it was the same case as her but the activities were in different countries and years.

"Why would you be working with me?" she sighed heavily and he snatched the file from her.

"Because I'm capable enough and even more capable than you. Even though this is a team work assignment, I'll take this as a competition between us." he said sternly and she scoffed.

"Of course, this will be a huge deal between us, let's see how are you gonna overcome my abilities," she confidently said and he just smirked knowing he'll get the evidence as easy as an ABC.

After her class session ended, she decided to pack her stuff and moved out of the dorm. Since she had rented an apartment to live, she will want to try and live by herself.

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