Chapter 6 Chasing

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She holds the seatbelt firmly and lookin front as he drift across the highway, avoiding every car on the road. She keep looking back to see if the cars finally stop chasing but the more she surprised when the two cars are now positioned next, left and right to their car.

She couldn't see anyone in the car as their window tinted. However she saw the way their window rolled down and two unknown guys take their glock gun. Her eyes widened and she holds Zhou Shen in fear.

"Zhou Shen they have gun!! What should we do?!" tears formed in her eyes as she looked at him. He looked calm and firm at the same time.

He keeps speeding up but the two cars could keep up with his car's speed.

"Zhou Shen!" she got panicked and her heartbeat rushed that she feels like wanted to cry.

"Relax, everything will be fine..."he take her right hand and put on the gear level with his hand. Ai Qi holds Zhou Shen's arms with her left hand and closed her eyes.

He remained calm and looked at the side mirror to see no cars behind them meanwhile the two guys taking a stable position to shoot both of them. His car goes to the maximum speed and once they passed through a left turn, he pressed the break in sudden and makes his car moved back and two of the guys accidentally shoot each other then in a second got into an accident.

Zhou Shen immediately turned his steering wheel to enter at the left turn and sighed in relief. He leaned against his seat while relaxed his body and realized that Ai Qi still closed her eyes.

"We're saved, you can open your eyes..." he said as he let go of her hand at the gear level and she slowly opened her eyes and looked in every direction. She sighed in relief then let go of his arms. 

"Who are those guys?" she immediately asked and he looked at her then focused back on the road.

"Better for you to stay curious about it, it isn't necessary for you to know about them...."

"But they have gun with them! We should report it to the police!" she said and he shook his head in annoyance. As she urged to tell the police about it, he just listened to it and remained silent.

Once they arrived in front of her dorm building, she still stayed in the car and looking at him with frowned. He looked at her with lazy eyes and sighed heavily.

"You gotta report it to the police..." she still insisted along the way to her campus and he could just listen to it. 

"We've arrived, please go back to your dorm," he said gently and she's stubbornly refused it. She wouldn't step out until he agreed to report what just happened to them.

"If you didn't report about this to the police, you might get attacked again! They even have gun!" she said and he looked unbothered that he walked out of the car and opened the door for her.

"Please go back to your dorm, I'm here just to send you back to your dorm safely and I managed to do that, so please, don't create more trouble for me here and stop being stubborn," he said to her but she crossed her arms, pouting and won't look at his face.

"But the way you act are putting both of us in danger! I won't step out until you report about...argh! What are you doing?!" Zhou Shen get into the car and scoop her by body out of the car.

Ai Qi was surprised and struggled herself so he would let her down. He carried her into the dorm building in bridal style and she keep resisting him and hit his shoulder. No one yet come but she afraid if anyone entered the dorm and misunderstand what happened between them. 

"Let me down!" she said to him in anger if he make his bored face.

"You insisted to come out of my car so I Insisted to put you down until we've reached your room," he said and she finally stop resisting him as his ego was too huge for her to fight back. Until the elevator opened, two girls come back from the campus and entered together into the elevator.

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