Chapter 9 Attending Dinner

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"Actually, I wanna apologize the day where I crashed over you with my car," Ren Yi said. Jian was a bit speechless that a person who looked as cold as an ice cube or even colder than the dry ice, apologized to her. 

She thought with his cold-shoulder attitude, he'll never apologize which not really bothered her but now her perspective towards him changed in a second. She was stunned for a moment before she come back to the reality and nodded.

"You already sent me to the hospital and even paid for my medical bills, I guessed we're even," she said and he nodded. The silence between them was louder that makes them feels awkward with each other.

Meanwhile, Ai Qi faced Zhou Shen who acted innocent after pulling her forcefully to somewhere quite far from the cafeteria. Along their way to the place where they're standing right now, everyone had already watched how he dragged her away effortlessly as she was struggled.

"I thought of spending my last year in degree peacefully but you made it opposite, thanks," she said sarcastically.

"You're welcome," he replied back and made her frowned in annoyance.

"You looked ugly if you keep frowning and pouting like that, you're not a baby," abruptly he said and humbled her. Ai Qi sighed heavily as she had enough with his unclear behaviour.

"Back to the topic, why are you dragging me here?" she crossed her arms, looking up to his face, finding way to look into his eyes while he looked down. Zhou Shen looked into her face as his eyes stabbed into her vision and made her put down her arms then looked away.

She clears her throat 'his eyes is really a weapon' her mind speaks.

"Can't see me in the eyes?" he scoffed and she looked at him with sharp gaze.

"You wish," she replied.

"I dragged you here because our parents wanna meet us at my house for tonight's dinner," he said and she nodded. Ai Qi waited for him to say something else but he just walked away.

"Wait! That's all you gotta say to me?" she asked and he turned to her, nodded.

"Why don't you just text or say it to me on the spot instead of dragging me somewhere like you're discussing, some...kinda headquarters raid?" she was curious with his weird behaviour.

"I need more privacy to discuss about that," he smirked and unbothered to just walk away from her. 

"Weirdo..." she muttered to herself and walked away to find Jian back at the cafeteria.

*Few hours ago*

Zhou Shen walked out  of the class and waited for her to come out as he have something to say. Nevertheless, he was surrounded by these ladies and he holds back his anger from blew off. He hates it when anyone stand in the middle of his way. 

Then he heard Ren Yi called his name and looked at his direction, half of the girls surrounded Ren Yi too and he also wouldn't understand why suddenly they acted as if he's some kind of an artist.

Once when Zhou SHen turned back to look for her figure, she already disappeared from his vision and he made it his way out harshly then followed by Ren Yi. They could care less about those ladies in their way.

"Zhou Shen, this campus is kinda good though but I'm kinda disappointed with the management here," he said while they're walking to the cafeteria.

"Obviously, I don't know why would Mr. Chen sent her daughter here," he said and Ren Yi caught him.

"So you dragged me to repeat my degree just to accompany you to be with your dear future wife? Don't you have respect towards a single like me?" he asked and Zhou Shen looked unbothered by it and just acted innocent.

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