Chapter 4 Last Night's Memories

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The next morning he woke up with a great headache. He realized that he's already in his bedroom. Zhou Shen looked around and tried to recall last night's event. His eyes caught the clock time at 7:30 a.m.

However, his memories from last night faded and recalling it back just giving him a headache. At the end, Zhou Shen chose to forget about it because he thought nothing bad might happened as he's just hanging out with Ren Yi.

After gathered all his energy, Zhou Shen get off his bed and take a cold shower to get rid of the drowsiness that's still hang onto him. He got dress and walked downstairs and eat simple breakfast, chicken noodle soup. He made it simple to kill his hangovers. After filled his empty stomach, Zhou Shen sit on the couch and opened his ipad to see a progress.

Suddenly, someone rang the bell and Zhou Shen could guess who'll appeared in this very morning.

"Jiang Fei..." he invited him in and he went back to the couch.

"Zhou Shen, have you been drinking last night?" Jiang Fei was about to tease him when Zhou Shen cleared his throat.

"Don't waste the time and straight to the point..." he said calmly and Jiang Fei take out a pendrive that contain all the informations that he was about to explain.

Meanwhile, Ai Qi walked to her campus building with only her laptop and notebook with stationary. Today she'll go to a training program where they would make the students develop expertise in niche practice areas or emerging legal fields, such as cybersecurity law, environmental law, or blockchain technology.

She's a bit excited about it as apart from law, she also loves to explore the technologies and software. Before she get into law school, she had decided that if her application aren't accepted by law school, she'll take cybersecurity as her course but luckily, her application passed.

Since the program take part a bit far from her campus, they went there by bus and along the way to the event, Ai Qi was working on her research of a specific topic that was given by her lecturer.

While in the middle of research, he came acrossed an online article about a hidden criminal happened in China nowadays. This criminal record involves killing, arms trafficking, fraud and white-collar crime. There are many more listed down but before she could go through it, the bus has already arrived at the destination and she need to keep all her stuff.

At the same time, Zhou Shen had an informal meeting with his members. Jiang Fei, Liu Ming and of course Ren Yi. Three of them gathered at Zhou Shen's house to talk about something.

"Is it really safe for us to talk it here?" Liu Ming asked and they all looked at each other then three of them changed direction to Zhou Shen.

"Do I look like I'm a careless pigeons?" he asked them and they laid back in relief.

"My uncle now having a business at Mexico and there's no trace of him coming back to China yet, but I won't be reckless even without his presence here," Zhou Shen still focused on typing on his laptop while talking to his friends.

"Zhou Shen really built different, he could even multi-tasking, the only skills that woman have..." Ren Yi said and shook his head.

"Maybe that's why he could be a step further..." Liu Ming continued and Jiang Feng could just nodded in agreement.

"I could be 10 steps further if I wanted to, now..." Zhou Shen stopped typing and looked at his friends who seems to be in an absolute free time "...all of you will have a work to do instead of just chit chatting here..." Zhou Shen throw a pile of paper on the table for them to settled.

"Wow, it feels like having a strict boss who wants their report on time with specific fonts and alignments..." Ren Yi picked few papers to be checked.

"This is just a piece of cake, not even a slice of cake," Jiang Feng arrogantly said as he take a huge pile of papers. Ren Yi and Liu Ming just raised their eyebrows knowing Zhou Shen has a surprised.

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