Chapter 2 Remember Or Not?

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Ai Qi take her seat in the class, her journey on taking law degree still far yet she already mentally and physically tired. The lecturer entered the hall and started to teach as how other days do.

After the class end, Ai Qi walked to the cafeteria and filled her empty stomach. It was a total boredom for her as Jian wasn't arround to spill the tea with her even though she doesn't have any idea how Jian could gather those information.

Once she finished her another cold brew coffee, Ai Qi walked straight to the media room in the library. An only place where she could find a total peace and silence. She spent hours sitting in the room with her loads and assignments. Amidst her unwavering focus on the computer screen, her phone rang unexpectedly, jolting her attention away.

Her eyes catch the callers contact name 'Mama' and she picked it up. "Hello ma..." she greeted first.

"Xiao Qi, are you busy? Have you eaten?" her mom instantly asked and it makes her smile appeared slightly. Despite of her busyness at the hospital, her mother still know how to care about her.

"I've eaten and I was working out on my assignment paper, what are you doing?" she asked as she changed her position from sitting to stand up. She never complaint on how busy her mother is because she knows it's her responsibility as a specialist. 

"I'm having my recess time, can you return back early today? Your father said that Gu's family would join us for dinner," her mother said and she just reply it shortly before realizing who's family is coming over.

"Wait! who's family?!" Ai Qi raised her voice an octave.

"Gu's family, why? Have you ever forgotten about them?" her mother asked and Ai Qi went silent.

"You and Xiao shen always played at the backyard when you are 5. You even cried when he wants to go abroad to continue his study, you cried for..." before her mother could finished, Ai Qi stopped her mom from continuing reminding her about the embarrassing moment.

"Haiya ma! I remember now! There's no need to recall those moments, I'm still immature that time..." she lowered her voice as he heard her mother's giggled at the background. After speaking some more words with her mother, Ai Qi ended the call.

The clock showed 5 p.m. and she's ready to pack her bag to return back home or else she'll be late for dinner at 7 p.m. Before she went back home, Ai Qi take a route to the dormitories to check up on Jian. She entered the room to see Jian was just dong fine on her bed and scrollling through social media.

"Seems like I worried about you too much," she said as she leaned against the bedroom door. Jian who see her bestfriend lightened up.

"Eh Qi Qi! You come to see me?" she asked and Ai Qi looked at her with bored eyes.

"No, I come here to see your plant! Where is it again? At the balcony right?" she teased Jian and Jian pulled her back.

"Eh no no! You come to see me!" Jian childishly said and Ai Qi could just shook her head. She looked at how Jian grinned wide at her.

"Have you eat the medicine I brought you? Have you eaten dinner?" Ai Qi asked and Jian nodded immediately.

"Haiya no need to worry, I really eat a proper meal this time!" Jian convinced her and Ai Qi just sighed, knowing how her only best friend is. Despite her improper meal, she's also have a messy sleep schedule but Ai Qi never complained about that part because she herself didn't have a proper sleep schedule.

"It means you'll be having a dinner with Gu Zhou Shen?!" Jian said excitedly next to her ears and Ai Qi could just closed her ears. She knows how excited for Jian to hear that she's gonna be having dinner with this entrepreneur's son and even with his family.

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