Chapter 11 You Are My Healing

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"Wait! How are we going to walk inside?" she hold his arm before he stepped on the floor.

"By our feet?" he said, sarcastically and she sighed.

"We're drenched, I don't want to wet the floor and ruined the tiles," she said, he looked at themselves and the floor back and forth.

"I assumed the rain had giving your brain some kind of fever, what makes you think that water could ruined my tiles? It's expensive by quality, not only by price," he said, and she looked unconvinced by his words.

"I still won't step on it," she stubbornly said, and he sarcastically laughed.

"I understood it now," he grinned, and a frown appeared on her face, didn't get by what he meant.

"Are you trying to ask me to lift you up? Is that why you don't want to step on the floor?" he looked at her with confidence while she sneered over his words.

"You really full of yourself aren't you?" she crossed her arms as she leaned forward.

"Yes, I'll make you full as well, you should know I'm very good at it," he smiled at her, and she step away from him.

"Pervert..." she muttered to herself before her body flying up to the air as he lift her up. She was surprised that she couldn't fight back his action. Zhou Shen walked in without his house slippers. Even drenched with rainwater, Ai Qi could still feel his warmth by his bare skin. The way she just realized his appearance looked seductive.

His first two buttons that were left unbuttoned revealed a silver necklace with an initial A on a rectangular shape hanging in between his collarbone. She wondered where do she had seen it until a nostalgia kicked in.

**7 years ago**

"Gege!! Looked what I got for you!" Ai Qi run towards him once she saw him walked back home. She chased his steps and stopped in front of him.

"Xiao Qi..." he stopped once he saw her in front of him. His mind was full of thoughts that she might not understood. Zhou Shen looked at how excited she was even after last week, she was crying to him about his news going to the overseas.

"Why are you here?" he asked sternly.

"I wanted to give you a gift!" she said excitedly, and gave him a box of necklace, looking elegance, a simple men necklace with an initial A on it.

"What is this?" he asked with a cold stare even when his heart pounded in excitement about the gift she gave him. She still keeping her smile, her stil swelled and it breaks his heart.

"A gift! Since you're gonna go to the boarding school, I decided to give you a farewell gift! I know how you like silver and metallic colour so I wanted to give you something that would remind you of me, I thought of bought a ring but I think necklace suits you more because it'll be always near to your heart," she clasp her hand to her chest.

The necklace hang by his hand as he looked at it, the way she gave it to him steals his heart but he gotta turned it off.

"I don't want it..." he said, and she was stunned by his words.

"What? Why? You don't like it?" she asked him innocently.

"Yeah I hate it, it's ugly..." he put the necklace back in the small box and gave it back to her.

"B-but..." he cut her off.

"Stop wasting your parents' money with this kind of silly things, it looked desperate," he pushed away her hand, and made the box to roll away. She was speechless by his actions.

A slap landed on his cheek, her eyes were teary when he looked back at her. She wiped her tears, and grabbed the box.

"I earned the money by myself, by helping my parents. Even though I can just asked them to buy it for me, I still worked for it because I wanted to use my own hardwork to give you something for the last time, but if this is how you want to repay me..." she threw away the box, and it landed in a lake. Ai Qi walked away from him with a broken heart.

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