Chapter 1 It's You?!

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"Ma! I'm home!" Ai Qi take off her shoes once she closes the door. She walked passed the living room and realized that no one was home.

"Ma? Pa?" she looked around the house and in every room, they're just not around again. She sighed heavily thinking she's alone again. Her mother, Lee Mun Jia worked as a doctor and her father Chen Fang Guan worked as one of the biggest entrepreneur in China.

Even though with a very wealthy family, she feels like it's worthless, her time with her parents were robbed by their work time. Not to mention with their packed schedule and sudden meetings or shifts.

"It's me alone's okay, I'm used to it!" she said, trying to burn some spirit but who knows how bad she wants to be with her family. From the moment she realized that they're always busy, from that moment also she realized that she needs to be an adult and matured by herself.

Ai Qi unpacked her bag and pulled up some assignments paper, since her house aren't that far from the campus, she never try to sleep in the dorm at the campus. However, even if she chose to sleep in her own room, it'll be more better to sleep in a dorm that have 2 or 3 roommates than sleeping alone.

She choose lawyer as her future career and she was proud of it since her parents were also love her choice but what's the point of it if they can't actually see her progression and success? She feels useless even if she needs to learn now but since she had chose this path, she'll try to keep it up and show them that she can do it!

Up until 3 A.M. she burnt herself out to cover up her assignments, it's the only medicine for her to fall asleep. However, Ai Qi have a sudden thought about Jian Ling's story. Gu Zhou Shen, a familiar name to her ears and also an entrepreneur's son? This guy was also come from a wealthy family.

That night, after she finished her assignment, Ai Qi continued her research about this guy named Gu Zhou Shen! After a few minutes, she managed to find some of his social media account and his background also the family background.

"This Gu Zhou Shen actually goes to the same primary school as mine? Why I never realized that I was school with an entrepreneur's son? Gotta search his picture really quick!" Ai Qi went through some of the images at the internet and found the recent and old family pictures of Gu's family but it shocked her once when she saw this Gu zhou Shen's face.

"It's you?! No wonder your name sounds familiar..." she sighed as she leaned back against the chair. The family image that appear on her computer screen was stared at for a long time before she sighed again and smiled a little.

**7 years ago**

"Qi Qi!! Where are you?!" Zhou Shen yelled her name as he walked down to the wet field just to look for Ai Qi.

A few hours before, Ai Qi was having a small argument with her parents about on how she doesn't want Zhou Shen to go abroad as he need to continue his study there due to his father has a business need to be settled.

Then she's running out of the house and hide at the backyard. She cried with her legs closed to her chest.

After a while she fell asleep there and woke up again when she heard someone called her name, Ai Qi walked out and saw Zhou Shen.

"Shen Gege! (Gege means brother in Mandarin)" she ran into his arms and hugged him. Zhou Shen was just 14 that time and Ai Qi was 13. They're still closed friends, at least for the last time that moment.

"You never told me that you'll study abroad!" she looked at him with teary eyes, knowing her only friend will move far away from her. He could just smile and hug her. They take a seat on the hammock and they sat near to each other.

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