Chapter 10 Fiancé And Fiancée

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They both looked at each other and one of his maids come to the table.

"Mr. Zhou Shen, someone came to meet you, she's in the living room," she said, and he frowned in confusion. 

"I see, you may go now," he said, and she excused herself. Ai Qi looked at him with a curiosity by who came at this hour. However, she acted unbothered by it.

Zhou Shen just left the table and walked to the living room. He saw a figure seated with her legs crossed and he immediately knew who came.

"Nana..." he called her name, and she turned her head to him with a smile. 

"Zhou Shen," she smiled and walked to him, each of her steps is seducing him.

"What brings you here?" he asked her without feeling bothered by what she's showing, he knows her motive was to get him, but it wouldn't stimulate him. 

"I don't know, I'm just feeling that I need to come here, maybe it's love?" she smiled.

Zhou Shen scoffed "love? I don't see it coming though," he said, and she raise up her chin.

"Quit the chit-chat, I came tonight to invite you to be my partner to the David's Chen gala party, I'm sure you got the invitation too," she said, and he sighed.

"Unfortunately, I wouldn't go, I'll be busy on that day," he said, and she crossed her arms, knowing that Zhou Shen always play hard to get.

"Come on, I don't have anyone else to come with," she pleaded, caressed his arm gently.

Without their realization, Ai Qi saw this from the door and leaned against the door frame. She then has a mischievous thought to revenge on him after what he did on the day they were at her dorm building.

She walked confidently towards them and pushed away Nana's hand from his arm, her behavior made Nana surprised and stunned. Ai Qi hugged his arm instead and leaned her body towards him. Zhou Shen looked at her with frowned and surprised himself by a sudden change behavior.

"Lao Gong (means husband in Mandarin), why do you take a long time out here? I feel lonely inside," she said it with a mellow voice. He looked down at her and decided to play along with her act.

He grabbed her waist, and made her chest pressed against his body. Ai Qi unexpected the act that he pulled out. Her assumption about his relationship with a woman in front of her have gone off course, thinking that they might have something special, but it was wrong once he got along the act with her.

'Why didn't he got panicked?! Isn't she's, his girlfriend? Or am I wrong?' she thinks while looking up to him with a fake smile then looked at Nana who appeared flushed in anger.

"I'm sorry, love, I'll come back inside once I done talking with her, okay?" he smiled at her and her stomach grumbling with butterflies. His soothing voice lingered in her ears.

"Who is she...Zhou Shen?" Nana didn't look away from Ai Qi while she's gripping her fistbump. She looked at Ai Qi who's still hugging tightly Zhou Shen's left arm. Her heart boiled to see how closed this girl towards him and Zhou Shen didn't even bulge or moved away from her touch. Compared to how he treated her, Zhou Shen always avoids doing physical touch with her even in the slightest way such as holding hands and hugging.

"Introduce..." Zhou Shen was about to respond when Ai Qi gives out her hand to shake hands with Nana. 

"Chen Ai Qi, Gu Zhou Shen's fiancé or shall I say, future wife? Also, may I know who are you? You looked so eager to see my husband," Ai Qi asked and Nana sighed heavily.

"I'm his ex-girlfriend, Hu Xie Na," she smiled while shaking hands with Ai Qi. Ai Qi may look sweet and innocent to Nana's eyes but once she got to hold Nana's hand, Ai Qi's expression changed and her gripped towards Nana getting tighten.

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