Chapter 5 Arranged Marriage

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Ai Qi called Ming Hao to take him back to her parent's house after Jian told her about the shocking news that her father and Mr. Gu made. Ming Hao was her secret bodyguard that her father had assigned to take care of her.

Her schedule now messed after that surprising news spread around. Ai Qi tried to act calm although she knows the matter wasn't an easy one to deal with. There are lots of thoughts in her mind that worried her.

'Is he gonna make me get married with Zhou Shen?' she nibbled her lips and fidgeting  with her fingers. 

"Please hurry, Ming Hao," she said to her bodyguard and he speed up across the road. Ai Qi looked out the window, thinking what she should use to oppose her father's decision. She sighed heavily and leaned against the seat. 

Once the car reached the house area. She saw Zhou Shen's car in the parking space and knows that he also came to clear out the thing that their fathers had done. Her footsteps could be heard along the way to the main entrance. She entered and take off her heels and walked to the living room.

She could heard their voices talking about the news then her eyes caught on Zhou Shen's fogure standing in front of their parents. He looked firm and frowned while his father looking calm and easy-going.

"Ai Qi..." her mother called her and all the eyes on her. He took a glance and continued argued with them.

"Dad, I really can't continue with this ridiculous idea," he said and Mr. Gu giggled.

"You've done more crazier than this, I'm sure you'll turned out just fine," Mr. Gu said and Ai Qi frowned hearing it. 

"Pa, would you want to explain what's all of this about? I've received tones of messages and news about both of you gonna be a family?" Ai Qi asked.

"Isn't it obvious that they want us to get married?" Zhou Shen said in annoyed tone. He can't accept this kind of decision that involved a lifetime commitment.

"I don't understand, why did both of you suddenly wanna be in-laws?" she asked for a further explanation. Mr. Chen stood up and clarified the matter.

"We've discussed about this a long time ago since both of you still young and we both agreed to be in-laws once both of your age are suitable. It's been years and we think it's the moment to tie both of you together," Mr. Chen expained and she frowned hearing it.

"Zhou Shen is single and so is Xiao Qi, so both of you are suitable for each other like a matchmade in heaven!" Mr. Gu continued and Zhou Shen brushed his slick hair back in frustration. His chest were going up and down as he couldn't counter them no more.

"Can we reject this proposal?" she tried her luck and his mother frowned at her.

"What's wrong, Xiao Qi? Is Zhou Shen not good enough for you?" his mother asked and she immediately refused it saying that Zhou Shen is just every girl's dream but she just doesn't want to waste her young age into marriage. 

"It's okay Xiao Qi, you can still continued your study and worked just like how you dreamed but with a title of Xiao Shen's wife," her mother continued and Ai Qi couldn't say anything else to deny their decision.

"With whatever reason and even with countless reasons, i would still stand with not getting married to her!" Zhou Shen sternly said it and Mr. Gu's smiled faded as he stood up. He looked up to his son and slapped him. 

Zhou Shen hold his jaw and smirked, knowing that it wouldn't put down his pride or even his decision of not getting married. His mother and her parents already hold back Mr. Gu from slapping his own son again.

Ai Qi just looked at him frowned expression, surprised with what just happened.

"You're gonna marry Xiao Qi no matter what! Xiao Qi and you got caught entered your house at late night and I'm not gonna let the media spread a filthy news about it!!" Mr. Gu said and Zhou Shen's expression changed to surprise and he looked at her. 

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