Chapter 12 Architecture Of Love

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Ai Qi opened her eyes as sunlight streamed in from his balcony, gently illuminating her surroundings. She stretched each of her body muscles and sat up, trying to gain full consciousness. Ai Qi looked at her surroundings and her memory recalled last night's agenda.

However, she let go a sigh of relief after seeing that Zhou Shen wasn't on the bed anymore. She got up from the bed and looked at the clock at the wall, 9AM and she remembered her class was going to start around 12PM or maybe it was going to be postponed.

As she stepped down the stairs, an aroma of fried rice and sizzling sounds stimulated her senses and she immediately walked to the kitchen, sneaking her head from the wall that connected the kitchen and dining room.

Zhou Shen was tossing the pan and preparing the food on two plates, for him and her.

"Help me put these plates on the dining table," he said, and she was surprised that he could realize her presence there. Ai Qi takes the plates and brings them to the table, followed by him with a jar of orange juice and two cups.

She sat down and looked at the other food on the table.

"Why is there so much food? Are there other people who are gonna come and join us?" she asked while he was pouring the beverage into both cups.

"No, just us, I don't know what you would eat in the morning, so I cooked three kinds of dishes, feel free to dig in," Zhou Shen started to dig in his fried rice. Ai Qi was staring at it before she could pick up the spoon and feed herself. The freshly cooked dish brings out different spices and textures into her mouth and she loves the way it combines with each other.

With excitement, her eyes widened and she looked at him "I'm not a picky eater also it looked delicious," she said, and he stopped a second before looking at her and smiled.

"Then eat as much as you want," he said, and she continued to make herself full with everything on the table. Out of the blue, the doorbell rings. Zhou Shen stood up and walked to the door, his step was dragged until he held the doorknob and opened the door.

"Morning, Zhou Ge (short term for big brother in Mandarin)" Ren Yi looked at him, and Zhou Shen raised one of his eyebrows looking at his friend's behaviour. He also looked at Jiang Fei and Liu Ming who looked like college students.

"Don't you all have class this morning?" he asked, leaning against the doorframe, crossing his arms. Three of them looked at each other and smiled awkwardly.

"Zhou Ge, it's just a class" Liu Ming said, unbotheredly by it.

"Yeah, I have noted from the lecturer that my class is gonna be learning about historical methodology, don't you know how boring that is?" Ren Yi continued, crossing his arms.

"I just followed because they called me in the middle of the class," Jiang Fei said innocently.

"Come in," Zhou Shen invited them in. Once they walked inside, Ai Qi was still enjoying her breakfast happily, swinging her legs that couldn't reach the floor. She heard a bunch of men's voices once the door closed and took a peak from the dining room's door. Three men were sitting on the sofa, freely talking with Zhou Shen.

"Are they his friend?" she muttered to herself as her eyes observed each of them and realized Ren Yi who sat at the end of the couch. She remembered him from the last time when he was facing Zhou Shen.

"Wasn't he the one who accidentally hit Jian?" she asked herself while trying to get a good angle of him.

Zhou Shen could feel a pair of eyes staring so he turned aside and saw Ai Qi who sneaked her head out.

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