Chapter 2 - Aurora

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My attention snaps back to the vampires who are now leading us closer to these unruly beasts leading the large wagons. The horse's mostly ignore us, which is a relief.

My eyes fall on the group of wagons I assume we are about to be herded into. They actually don't look all too bad. The wheels alone are taller than me, and the wagon portion looks big enough to fit ten to fifteen people. They are covered on either side and on top by a shelter made out of some type of thick, heavy cloth.

The backs of the wagons are open to the night air, except for the doors that only cover the bottom half. Leaving the top half open to take in a breeze. Something I'm sure will be appreciated in the summer heat.

I scan the area, counting the wagons in front of me. Six. Six wagons. Twelve vampiric horses, and with the addition of the vampires who were waiting for us when we made it up the stairs, twelve vampires.

The first of the prisoners are led into the closest wagon, the rest of us waiting our turn. I'm taken toward the third wagon, where I notice Everett standing by the horses at the front of the fourth.

He has his arms wrapped around one of the horse's neck, with his head laid into the beast's glossy coat. I watch as he draws his head up and whispers something in the horse's ear. They share a look, then Everett walks behind the horse, and instead of using the stairs, jumps up onto the front of the wagon, settling himself into a very comfy looking seat.

The vampire leading me stops in front of the third wagon and opens the little door. He motions for me to go inside.

Fuck. This is it. I'm really letting myself get taken by vampires.

Letting myself? It's not like I have a damn choice. These vampires can easily ruin everything, I have to do what they say so I can stay alive as long as possible.

If I was the real me, the true me, I wouldn't be in this situation right now – about to get my blood drained – I would be strong. I never would have gone to prison. I never would have suffered like I did. I barely survived this fucking empire.

No, if I was who I am supposed to be, I would be happy and far away from this wretched place. The powerful me would destroy these vampires easily. She would show no mercy to them, then kill all the useless prisoners as well – most of whom are murderers and rapists.

I just know my wolf would be like me and refuse to give them an easy death. Their screams would pierce the quiet night's air from the pain I inflict on them with my magic, and they would cower under the power of my wolf.

The vampire holding the door startles me as he grabs the collar of my shirt with one hand and places the other underneath my chin, forcing my head to snap up.

I meet his burning gaze. His eyes are a fascinating shade of green – almost too bright to look directly into, and right now they are staring down at me with repulsion.

"I recognize that look in your eyes, and let me tell you something right now, little girl." He bends forward, his lips brushing against my ear sending shivers down my spine, "There's always one who tries to run or fight. It never ends well for them. In fact, we usually make it our mission to gorge ourselves on them just to send a message to the rest of you miserable pieces of shit."

I try to keep my face neutral, but I feel my eyes widen at his words. The reality of my situation comes crashing down on me. There's no chance of escaping this, so I'm just going to have to accept my fate, stop complaining, and start focusing on creating a new escape plan.

I give the menacing vampire a small nod, and he lets go of me. His face relaxes and he gives me what seems like a genuine smile, only to then shove me up the stairs and into the wagon.

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