Chapter 29 - Samael

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Aurora is different, I don't think she even realizes just how different. She has been a bundle of energy since she woke up late this morning, her skin is glowing with radiance, her muscles are toned, though still weak for a werewolf, and her smile is brighter than I've yet to see it. She even carries herself differently; before last night, she had a permanent slouch in her shoulders, always curving in on herself, trying to be as small and unnoticeable as possible... probably not even consciously aware of it. But as soon as she jumped out of bed earlier today, I noticed the change instantly; she stood straight with her head held high, making me realize just how tall she actually is, probably taller than a lot of vampires. Her new confidence radiated off her, and Danika's presence is now impossible to miss. Aurora has the aura of an alpha.

I've been away from her for barely half an hour and already I feel empty inside. She is with Adelaide right now, learning how to change her hair and eye colour, so her victims will recognize her when she guts them. Savage little hybrid she is. I feel my cock twitch as the memory of her fangs in my throat consumes my mind; ever since she marked me last night, I have been more attuned to her; I feel her before she touches me, I sense her before she enters a room, and the effects I feel from drinking her blood are so much more intense now.

The doors to my throne room swing open and Seth walks in, followed by Adrian, Dimitri, and Kieran.

I rise from my throne, and get straight down to business, "Thank you for meeting with me. As you know, Aurora and I are leaving tonight, but there has been a change of plans."

"Please tell me she's not still going on some crazy revenge mission after what we learned from King Cyreus?" Adrian interjects.

"Yes, we are. And you three," I point to him, Dimitri, and Kieran, "are coming with us." Adrian opens his mouth, probably to argue, but my glare keeps him quiet. "Aurora has to do this, and I will support her no matter how dangerous it gets. However, with the new information Cyreus revealed, I think it is unwise for us to be killing important people in the Emberi Empire without someone close by in case anything goes awry."

Dimitri and Kieran nod in understanding, and Adrian finally closes his mouth and shrugs in defeat.

"Adelaide will be here after nightfall to open a portal for us to the City of Eternal Flame, where we will spend the night." I watch as Adrian's eyes narrow at my words. "Is there an issue Adrian?" I ask him.

"Addie is back?" he asks stiffly.

"Yes, she came back this morning. She is with Aurora at the moment." His eyes grow darker.

"So she spent the entire weekend with that siren?" he spits out angrily.

I am not about to get involved in Adrian and Adelaide's family squabbles. "Adelaide is a grown woman who can decide for herself who she spends her time with," I say sternly, hoping he will drop it.

"You know why she is spending time with him, and you're just fine with it? She has almost a thousand years left; she doesn't have to rush into this!" His voice rises and I glare at him, causing him to shrink back slightly.

"You two," I say, looking at Dimitri, and Kieran, "pack a bag and meet us in the entrance hall after nightfall. Seth, leave us for now, I will find you shortly."

They all nod, looking between myself and Adrian cautiously, before speeding from the room.

When the doors slam shut, Adrian looks at me apologetically, "I'm sorry."

I scoff, "No, you are not."

I know more about Adrian than he thinks; Adelaide's tongue gets a little too slippery when she drinks, and she has confided in me her worry for him. She thinks of him as a son, and he has not been the same since Clara's murder. I sigh, "She is not rushing this Adrian. Adelaide and Cyreus have been seeing each other for a while now."

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