Chapter 3 - Samael

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I stand in front of the wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling window in my throne room.

My view of the mountains is hindered by the raging blizzard taking place outside.

I distract myself with the snow that is swirling frantically in the wind on the opposite side of the glass.

If I focus, I can pick out each individual snowflake in front of me before the howling wind takes them again.

I sigh.

My body is itching to go out there. To feel the wind whipping at my face and the coolness of the snow blowing around me.

To feel something other than frustration.

I unwillingly turn away from the window, only to be reminded of what had caused my frustration in the first place: Cassandra Hale's poor messenger boy lays dead at the foot of my throne. I had stepped over his limp body after draining it of all his blood. His lifeless eyes stare at nothing.

It seems killing the messenger can in fact be beneficial, maybe it will finally give that damn witch a hint. This is the third time Cassandra has sent an errand boy in an attempt to secure a meeting with me; To "discuss matters beneficial to us both" according to each of them.

I know exactly what that bitch wants, and she won't be getting it. I may not particularly like Lothar Crescent, but the Werewolf King and I have been in the process of forming an alliance. If the werewolf and vampire kingdoms combined their strength, we'd be an invincible force.

I'd be an idiot to give that up for Cassandra's futile attempts to overthrow the werewolf kingdom. Her mother couldn't do it eighteen years ago, I doubt Cassandra could do any better.

I'm drawn out of my thoughts when I hear the heavy doors on the far side of the room open with a bang.

My second in command, Seth, walks in with an annoyed look on his face. He closes the doors and turns to me, crossing his arms.

"Sam, uh... your mother is here." He's the only person allowed to call me Sam, because he's the only person I actually tolerate.

"Why?" I grit out. "Did she forget I'm not speaking to her?"

"Honestly man, I forgot.", he snickers. "You change your mind about it every other decade, so I wasn't sure where you currently stand on the issue."

I resist rolling my eyes at him.

"Did she at least come with father, or is the old woman here on her own again?"

"Yeah, about that. She brought two of her sisters with her." Seth pauses, wary of my expression getting darker and darker.

He doesn't continue so I have to ask, "Which sisters?"

The outcome of my mother's visit will depend entirely upon which of her crazy sisters decided to show up.

Seth opens his mouth to answer but is saved by the frantic voices coming our way.

"Please ma'am, please! His highness is very busy and asked not to be disturbed!" I can hear one of my guards awkwardly trying to deter whoever is making their way down the hall toward my throne room.

"Disturbed? Who's disturbing? We are family! Now let us through!"

I groan internally as I recognize the high-pitched voice instantly; Aunt Josephine.

"Yes, yes we are here to see our dear nephew. So, step aside if you please sir!" Comes the lower, airy voice of Aunt Delphine.

I sigh and motion for Seth to open the doors. He throws them open and steps aside.

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