Chapter 25 - Samael

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With Aurora's naked body draped over my own, her sweet scent filling the room around us, and the taste of her blood on my tongue, the last thing I want to do is answer the door. Unfortunately, the knocking continues, and Aurora pushes herself up with a sigh.

"Listening to you threaten Damien was hot," she mutters as she picks herself up off the carpeted floor of the unused office space, her glorious naked body standing above me, like a goddess in her natural state. I watch as her cheeks flush under my roaming eyes, and she holds out her hand for me to take.

I let her help me up and retrieve her clothes from across the room. "Watching you rip his heart out was hot," I admit to her with a wink. She giggles, and my heart beats faster at the sound of it.

The banging on the door subsides and Dimitri's voice sounds from the other side, "ADELAIDE IS GOING TO BLAST THIS DOOR TO DUST IF YOU GUYS DON'T COME OUT IN THE NEXT MINUTE." A pause, and then quieter, "Her words, not mine."

Aurora and I exchange a look, "Do you know where Addie went when she left the council meeting?"

"No, but I think I have an idea. Come on my love, let's go see what all the commotion is about." We get dressed quickly and open the door to an empty hallway.

"Where would they be?" Aurora asks in confusion, looking back and forth.

"Knowing Adelaide, if she wants anything to be private, she'll be in my throne room. Only Seth and I have keys to that room, so she portals in there when she has important information to share." I take Aurora in my arms, and she rolls her eyes, but allows me to carry her as I run us up to my throne room.

"Don't get used to that," she says grumpily as I set her down outside the doors. "Once I have Danika's full abilities, I'll race you here."

"You can try," I taunt her, reaching for the double doors, which are swung open before I can touch them.

"Fucking Nyx, yes I'll tell them!" An annoyed looking Dimitri walks out of the room, his expression turning to relief once he sees us. "Oh, never mind, they're here," he says, retreating back into my throne room, Aurora and I following him.

Behind my throne, in the back half of the room, I see Adelaide sitting at the table, and she is not alone, in fact, she has extended the table and added more chairs to accommodate her guests.

I raise a brow at her, but she just motions impatiently for Aurora and me to sit down. Taking in the man next to Adelaide, my suspicions about her whereabouts are confirmed, but it doesn't explain the presence of the rest of them.

On Adelaide's right sits Seth, next to him is Adrian, then Dimitri, and Soleil, who is speaking quietly to a woman that is clearly related to her; they have the same tanned skin tone and long golden blonde hair.

The woman is familiar to me, I think she is Solana Annora, Coven Mother of the Eternal Flame Coven. Next to her, three of my own coven leaders are seated: Fergus Creighton of Crimson Fang, Zohar Emerick of Bloodrose, and Bryce Norrix of Undying Moon. I pull out the chair next to Bryce for Aurora to sit in, opting to seat myself between her and the large man on Adelaide's left.

He turns to me once I'm seated, clapping me on the back and grinning enthusiastically. "King Samael! It's been far too long, my boy!" Boy? I resist scowling at him and force a smile on my face. His deep voice rumbles throughout the room, gaining the attention of all the women at the table, Aurora included.

Fucking Sirens. They like to call themselves Mer-people, but that is simply an attempt to humanize themselves in the minds of the humans, who have a very long and violent history with Sirens.

King Cyreus, as loud and gruff as he can be, is a fair king, and seems to have made Adelaide happy these last few years, but the Siren call he exudes attracts women to him like moths to a flame. I squeeze Aurora's thigh under the table and her eyes roam lazily back to me, a docile smile on her lips.

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