Chapter 34 - Samael

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Aurora fell asleep roughly an hour into our journey, her relaxed body pressed against me and held securely in my arms. My safe house is on the coast of Emberi City, a small little place overlooking the ocean and occupied by an elderly couple that I pay to live there, but who are currently enjoying a fully paid vacation to the Mer-isles. They don't know who I am, but money talks, and it keeps them quiet.

I like having a secret place in the kingdoms bordering mine; I have one in Crescent City as well, though I doubt I'll ever need to use it after Aurora meets her father.

I veer east and fly for another hour until I reach the coast. I hover for a few moments, waiting for the others to catch up, "We'll land on the beach, there's a secret entrance that goes up through the cliffs and into the house," I call out once they get close enough.

I plummet to the ground as fast as I can, knowing no human would be able to notice me at this speed. As soon as I hit the beach, I take off towards the bottom of the cliffs and through a hidden opening in the rocks; Kieran has been here many times, he's the one who deals with the residents here, so I don't worry about the guys getting lost.

I walk to the back of the cave, where a heavy door is built into the rock. Cradling Aurora with one arm, I reach into my pocket for the key. Once through the door, I dash up the stone steps, going up and up for what feels like an eternity and never slowing down.

Finally, after thousands of stairs, I make it to the cellar door of the house. Once inside, I glance down at Aurora, still sleeping soundly; she must have exhausted herself saving Sarah. I bring her up to the largest bedroom and lay her on the queen-sized bed, removing her shoes, and tugging my shirt from her grip. She lets out a huff in her sleep and grabs a hold of the blankets instead, turning over onto her stomach.

I sit and watch her sleep until I hear the door opening downstairs, and Dimitri's complaints about the number of stairs they had to climb. I leave the bedroom, closing the door quietly behind me, and make my way to the main floor of the house. I find Adrian, Dimitri, and Kieran sitting at the kitchen table, all looking at me expectantly.

"Aurora is still asleep," I say to them.

They continue to stare at me, but I simply open one of the cabinets, pulling out bottles of liquor. I pour us each a glass of ale, and sit at the table with them, taking a long swig.

Dimitri breaks the silence, "So, what happened back there?"

I take another drink from my glass, draining it this time, and pour another before answering, "Aurora did what she needed to do."

Adrian places his glass on the table, "And what exactly does she need to do next? All we know is that she has a list. How many more people does she plan on killing?"

"Four," I reply.

"And if any of them have dying children, will she spare them and save the child as well?" Dimitri jokes.

"No, I don't think anything is going to save them from her," I say, draining my second glass.

"What the fuck did they do to her?" Adrian questions incredulously.

"Enough that their deaths will be well deserved, that's all you need to know," I say sharply, narrowing my eyes at him.

He lets out a sigh and nods his head, "Alright, what's next?"

"One of you will stay here with Aurora," I say looking between Adrian and Dimitri; I need Kieran to come with me because he knows the city better than any of us.

"I'll stay," Adrian says. "I need to apologize to her for being a judgemental jerk earlier."

"You've been a jerk to all of us lately," Dimitri mumbles.

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