Chapter 35 - Samael

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I send the guys upstairs, while Aurora and I sit on the sofa and wait for her victims to wake up. She leans against me with a content sigh, "Was it difficult getting them here?"

"It was too easy," I chuckle. "I was hoping for a bit of a challenge, but the less inconspicuous we are, the better." I kiss the top of her head, "Thankyou for agreeing to kill both of them at the same time, I fear if we stretch this out for too long, the emperor will find out before we are finished. The judge's wife has probably already alerted the empire of his disappearance, and the doctor is a busy man with a lot of patients, I'm sure he is being searched for already."

She nods, "I understand. I originally planned to kill these two quickly anyway," she motions to the two unconscious men currently tied to chairs in front of us. "I won't lie though and say I'm not a little disappointed I can't carry out what I had planned for Gregory and Petra."

Every time she says their names my entire body tenses with pure hatred. Some of the things she has told me about her time spent in their manor make my skin crawl; the way they manipulated her into thinking they loved her, thinking they cared for her like a daughter, only to rape her repeatedly, string her up for the entertainment of others, and have her cater to their every need.

I would love nothing more than to let her carry out her original plans for the Stallard's, but we are pressed for time at the moment and I have to admit, her plans were a little excessive, even for me.

I look down at her; outwardly, she seems calm, but I know there's a storm brewing behind those mismatched eyes, just waiting to be unleashed. "I am sorry, my love. If there were not other pressing matters to attend to, I would love nothing more than to join you for a fortnight of torture."

"It's too bad really that I'll have to settle for just one night with them," she sighs dramatically, "I'll just have to make it count."

"You will," I say. "By the time you are ready to kill them, they will be begging for death."

Aurora smirks,"and then I'll drag out their suffering just to spite them."

I chuckle darkly, "Savage little hybrid."

They tried to break her, but when I look at her all I see is a strong and powerful woman who overcame so many horrors, and all I can feel is happiness that she is mine. Happiness that I am trying my hardest not to be dismantled by the intense despair I feel when I remember her life is on a timer. It's impossible to guess how long she has; it could be two thousand years, it could be five hundred, or somewhere in between, but either way, I cannot imagine my life without her, and even two thousand years is not enough time.

I feel Aurora's eyes on me and look down to meet her curious gaze, "What's wrong Sam? I know something has been bothering you since before we left Dema Mortem."

My heart melts slightly whenever she uses the nickname Seth gave me. After a couple hundred years of being King Samael Dema to the world, it feels nice to be this close to someone and hear her use such an informal and intimate way to address me.

I wrap her in my arms, holding her close, "it is not dire, and I promise you I will talk to you about it when we return home." She sighs, and I kiss the top of her head, "I just want you to focus on what's important right now." I motion to the unconscious men in front of us, "for tonight and tomorrow, I want you to do what you need to do and enjoy doing it. But when that is done, we have a lot to take care of; we have to meet with King Cyreus, then we are travelling to the Crescent Kingdom. Showing up on your father's castle steps, days before he is expecting me and introducing him to the daughter he never knew he had is going stir up a little bit of drama, don't you think?"

She giggles, "Yeah, it probably will. Goddess, I hope he doesn't hate me."

"Why would he ever hate you? You are his daughter."

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