Chapter 24 - Samael

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Listening to Aurora taunt Damien is music to my ears. Her voice gets a little feral as Danika speaks with her, causing Damien's eyes to widen in fear for a split second before he challenges that fear into anger and fucking audacity.

I watch as he yells profanities at Aurora, my clenched fist twitching menacingly, I know she can handle herself, and intend to let her, but when he spits in her face, all reason flies out the window and I rise from my chair without thinking. Seth and Dimitri move with me as we simultaneously block Aurora from the vile creature in front of her.

I hear her mutter "Ew" and spin around to face her, letting Seth and Dimitri hold Damien in place with his hands behind his back.

Aurora is clearly livid, a look that perfectly suits her deadly eyes, and my breath is momentarily taken away by her dark beauty. I hold out my hand and Adelaide hurries forward to place a wet towel in it. No one makes a sound while I wipe Aurora's face clean of Damien's revolting offense.

I look around the council room, it's so silent, I can hear each individual heartbeat, most of which are beating irregularly fast as they anticipate my next move. Taking Aurora's hand in mine, we turn to face Damien, who is being held by both Seth and Dimitri. He tries to look bored and unbothered, but I can hear his rapidly beating heart, and see the way he gulps nervously.

"Who came here with you today?" I ask him calmly.

He takes a moment to answer, sending quick glances to the vampires sitting around the table. I don't expect any of them to come to his aid, they know better when their king is present.

Another nervous gulp before he finally answers, "Three members of the Nightshade council. We came to get answers about my brother's death, your highness."

Seth speaks up from my right, "And instead of seeking those answers, you thought it better to assault your queen?" he raises an eyebrow in disbelief."

"Well, let's see what your council has to say, shall we?" I turn to the table, addressing Xavier Crawley, leader of the Blood Solstice coven, "Xavier go retrieve the Nightshade council members and bring them to me. I am sure you know where they are holding up."

Xavier seems to have difficulty fighting off sending a glare in my direction, and I'm filled with satisfaction as I watch him bow slowly before leaving the room in a hurry.

The silence while we wait is suffocating, not for me of course, but the council members sitting around the table look quite uncomfortable with this turn of events. Aurora has not taken her eyes off Damien, and I know it is taking a lot of self control for her to not kill him right now. I give her hand a gentle squeeze, and she returns the pressure reassuringly.

"My king," Bryce Norrix, leader of the Undying Moon coven begins to speak, and I nod, allowing him to continue, "Please, if I may ask, what exactly happened between Lucien and her highness last night?" He looks at Aurora, "My queen, if you d-"

"She is not a queen yet! She is simply the kings current plaything, we all know how he likes to fuck our daughters," interrupts the angry voice of Isaac Merrill, one of my own council members. He stands from his seat, staring down at Aurora like she is the dirt at the bottom of his shoe.

Dimitri steps forward, and practically growls at Isaac, "You want to say that again motherfucker?" He spits out, taking another step away from Aurora.

I've yet to see Dimitri so angry, nothing ever seems to really bother him, until now. I can't let him attack Issac though, not yet anyway, he is still too respected among the others. Besides, Isaac has no idea I've been having him followed; I'm close to uncovering his true motives behind his betrayal and I don't want him gone until I know for sure. "Dimitri." My voice cuts through the room like a knife, stopping him in his tracks. He looks at me in disbelief, but I jerk my head towards Aurora, motioning for him to get back to her. He unwillingly relents, and walks to us, flanking Aurora on her left.

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