Chapter 14 - Aurora

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His lips are on mine, and I throw myself into the kiss, slipping my tongue into his mouth and moaning desperately at his taste. I grind myself against him, feeling his hardened length beneath me causing my body to tremble with anticipation.

He wraps a hand around the back of my neck to hold me in place, his face so close to mine, our noses graze. His other hand moves down between my legs, caressing my inner thighs, and slowly making its way to my throbbing pussy. My body jolts as his fingers trail along my clit, up and down, then around in gentle circles. He works me up slowly, his fingers apply more pressure and move slightly faster, my breathing picks up and my moans grow louder and drag out longer. Then, he slows his movements again, bringing me back from the edge.

He repeats this delicious torture until I'm a quivering mess in his arms, begging for release.

He strokes my clit like it belongs to him, applying the perfect amount of pressure. "Cum for me, my queen" he breathes into my ear before slamming his lips onto mine and slipping his tongue into my mouth.

My scream is muffled by his kiss, and my legs shake uncontrollably. Pleasure bursts from my clit and explodes across my body, sending tingles to every extremity, and exhilaration flowing through me.

When Samael releases me from his kiss, his eyes devour me with an enticing hunger. I'm coming down from the most intense orgasm I've ever had, and yet, as I look at him, I crave more.

"Good girl," he murmurs in my ear, and another jolt of satisfaction goes through me.

We spend the next few minutes washing each other. He even lathers soap into my hair and massages my scalp. When we're both clean, he carries me out and dries me off with a warm fluffy towel.

He leads me back into the room and asks me to sit in one of the chairs in front of the fire. I'm still only wrapped in a towel but the heat from the burning coals warms my body.

"I'm going to go get you some clothes. I will be right back." He places a soft kiss on my lips and speeds from the room.

I lean back in the comfy armchair and enjoy the warmth from the fireplace. "You were right Danika," I say to her happily.

"You'll find that to be a regular occurrence," she retorts and I giggle.

It might be the high from the mate bond... or maybe the orgasm, but I'm happier than I've ever been. I have my wolf, I met my mate, and tomorrow I will learn how to use my magic. I'm myself again, and Samael doesn't seem to mind the crazy hair or eccentric eyes, in fact, I think he likes them. This is all far from what I had planned, but there is no way I can leave him now; Danika growls, and my heart mourns just at the thought of it.

The door opens after barely a couple minutes and Samael walks in holding a pile of clothes and a pair of boots.

"These are my sister, Lilith's." he says, laying the clothes in the armchair next to me. He plucks a shiny red dress from the pile. "You can wear this to bed, I'll hang up the rest of the clothes in the closet, for you to pick from in the morning."

He walks to the door next to the bathroom and opens it. I catch a glimpse of hanging clothes before the door closes behind him.

I look at the red dress in my hands, I don't recognize the material, but I think it's silk; the top and bottom are hemmed with black lace, and it has thin straps. I take off the towel and slip the dress over my body. It falls to just above my knees and feels smooth and cool against my skin.

Samael comes back into the room, empty-handed, and stops when he sees me, "Fuck" he mutters under his breath. "You are so beautiful."

I feel myself blush and can't stop the smile from spreading across my face. His hungry eyes give me a boost of confidence and I walk towards his bed, and crawl on top of it. I sit in the middle, leaning on the pillows propped up against the headboard and bring my knees up, causing my dress to bunch at my upper thighs. I hear his sharp intake of breath, and let my knees fall to the side, exposing myself to him.

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