Chapter 6 - Samael

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"The land between the eastern bridge leading out of Shade City and the Famine Forest belongs to the Nightshade Coven! It has been our land for thousands of years. You and your despicable, void worshipping coven of witches have no right to lay any claim to it!"

Adelaide's lips curve into an arrogant sneer, "Careful leech, push me and I might just take your entire city out from under your miserable clutch. Your father would despise you for what you've turned his city into."


"Oh, I would love for you to get close enough to try, you wicked old man. I see how black your soul is and I could easily twist it to do my bidding."

"Your highness!" Lucien Nightshade, leader of the Nightshade Coven, looks up at me from his seat at the grand meeting table in my council room. His expression is of disbelief and rage towards Adelaide's attempt to, well, do exactly what she is doing, threatening the power of the coven leaders. That woman probably could take his city from him if she wanted to, but I know she doesn't give a shit about Shade City. Right now all she wants is to get a rise out of Lucien.

"Do you hear this damned witch's threats? Why do we still allow these vile creatures a place on the royal council? Can we not vote them out?" Lucien asks with obvious distress, looking to the rest of the council members for support. No one offers any. He seems awfully threatened by her. Adelaide may be a pain in the ass but she's more loyal to the Dema crown than most of the coven leaders. What could have dear old Lucien Nightshade so concerned?

I scowl at Adelaide, who just smirks at the pissed off vampire and gives me a subtle wink. Goddess damn this woman to the underworld. I groan inwardly, usually I make Seth do the talking at these meetings, so I can just glare at them all. Unfortunately, I had to send him on a mission with some of my spies, so it looks like I have to deal with this.

I look directly at Lucien as I speak, putting emphasis on every word, "The Blood of Nyx Coven Mother will always have a place on this council. Is. That. Clear?"

"But my king!" My glare hardens as Lucien's growing audacity to question me causes a wave of fury to build in my chest. "I know I am new to this council, having only recently become a coven leader, but I still do not understand how a vampire kingdom can allow witches to have a say in their politics!"

I don't even attempt to answer him. This is only Lucien's second royal council meeting, as coven leaders are only required to attend one quarterly. Since his last visit to the castle, I have received multiple correspondence from him stating his concerns over having witches holding so much power in our kingdom. He knows why they do and always will, everyone does. I know he's been meeting with void witches from outside of Dema Mortem, as well as representatives from the Emberi Empire, I don't know why yet, but I'll figure it out. Until then, I'll let him think I know nothing.

Adelaide's voice rings out, cool and calm, but her aura turns as dark as the void, and can be felt in every corner of the room, "Lucien, my dear, you will never be rid of me, my blood runs in your veins." Her words leave a deafening silence hanging in the air.

Lucien huffs and slumps back in his chair, admitting defeat. The other coven leaders and council members shift or fidget nervously in their seats. Adelaide's words remind them that they not only bow to a king, but also a witch if she ever feels inclined to force them to bend to her will. The only one strong enough to take on Adelaide in this room is me, and I will never turn on her.

She has been here longer than I have. My father trusted her and so do I. Besides, it's not like I have a choice in the matter. The goddess Nyx herself made the deal with the original Blood of Nyx coven mother; Guinevere was Adelaide's direct ancestor, and she offered her blood to Nyx, so the goddess could create her vampire species. Adelaide's family blood does flow through our veins, and the power granted to them by Nyx in exchange for Guinevere's blood ensures her coven will always hold a level of control in the kingdom of Dema Mortem. If Lucien Nightshade doesn't like it, he can fucking leave.

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