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I woke up in a strange hole, what happened..
I tried to rub my eyes and pinch myself to see if it was all just some silly goofy dream but i just winced
yeah definitely not a dream.. unless??
I shook my head

I looked up thinking of a way to get up to the surface, but nothing came to mind.. I slowly huffed and slumped to the ground curled up in a ball
"This is it, this is when im going to die.." I sigh..
I touched my hair and picked out rocks out of it "What the hell happened?" As I inspected the rocks
Slowly all the pain hit me at once, my head was throbbing with a headache as my legs felt so sore and wobbly, I attempted to stand up but I stumbled back down again, I rubbed my hand through my hair checking to make sure no more rocks and dirt were in my h/c and h/t hair.
as I took my hand away I saw little bits of blood on my hand..
'Did I fall??'
'How did a hole this big get here.. '
I felt tears slowly streaming down my face as I wiped them with my arms.
I just gave up, theres no way out, I'm way too deep in this hole.
I slowly kept coming in and out conscious, each time I felt like I was a ghost watching myself slowly die unable to do nothing but watch it unfold.
Finally, I dropped down to the ground I was too weak to stand up and before I could react I blacked out.

Guess im gonna die like a bozo💀

I woke and saw a bunch of bears creating a ladder, were they, trying to help me get out??
I started to look in my surroundings and found a pen and a 'journal?' and I stuffed them in my pocket and started to climb up, I felt so horrible for stepping on them I just needed to focus on getting out firstly I huffed, wincing at every step I took 'What the hell is wrong with my legs?? '
I finally made it to the surface, I helped the little bear creatures get back to the surface aswell as I looked at them with my soft e/c shining from the sun. "Thank you, whatever you animals are called!" I tried not to get emotional however a few tears did slip out.

But, as I got to the surface I started to have a identity crisis.

'Who am?? ' I looked at my s/c hands seeing little cracks of blood.
'How old am I?! ' I frantically touched my face trying to feel on what my face looked like..
My tears of happiness slowly turned into tears of despair, "What am I doing here??" the only thing I had was a stupid pen and journal, deep down I felt like it was important but I was blinded my rage and sadness that i just threw them both on the ground out of rage
I looked back at the animals who looked at me terrified, but I fastly changed my attitude calmly, Then it struck me

I will have to find out who I am, I cant just start a new life..

Although, it did seem, more nice and peaceful if I tried to start knew, I thought
Maybe I wont worry about it, but for now I need to find out where I will stay..
I huffed, my stomach grumbled, and I'll need to look for food, I sighed and walked off with all my stuff waving at the bears (?)


Who am I? (Onceler X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now