Confession and trails + errors

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I rush into his tent "Onceler!" I huff catching my breath, desperately trying to catch up to him.
I need to tell him the truth on how I feel about him...

"I love you too, not as friends but more.." I smile softly

for a moment I saw relief then happiness shine in his eyes

"I'm glad you feel the same y/n.." he says sheepishly

"I thought you friend zoned me back there haha.." he said with a relieved grin.

"I'm sorry, I just.. didn't know how to reply.." I admitted sadly.

"But I want you to have this." I softly place a truffula tuft in his hair

"I love you very much.."
I lean in and kiss him on the lips I attempted to pull back out of the kiss, however he pulled me back in as, what I felt like was hours of kissing we finally both broke the kiss..

it was probably just 5 seconds

I stared at him star struck "Wow.." I put my hands over my mouth and blush

"That was amazing!"

The oncelers grin grew "We should do that more!" He replied before hopping into bed

"Wanna sleep with me tonight... again?" He said sheepishly

"Of course..!" I kiss him on the cheek before jumping into bed

I heard him whisper one last thing to me before he headed to sleep "I will be selling more tomorrow so I will be back late again hehe." He said

"I'll stay here as always don't worry." I smile before hearing snores from him....
I sigh slightly this man will be the death of me.

This feels so right yet so wrong..?

Maybe it's just nothing I smile not wanting to face the facts
I hugged him before fading to sleep..

"Goodnight." I mumbled softly before drifting off.

I woke up in a empty bedroom once again.. I wish he came back it just doesn't feel right without him.

I felt so empty..

I walked outside, seeing the fish and lorax playing cards "Can I join in?" I shout over to them hearing my voice echo throughout the forest.

"Yeah come over here I'll deal you some cards!" the lorax shouted back gesturing to come over here and to sit next to him.

I smile and rush over to them, before sitting down beside him.

Time went by so fast, because later on the onceler came storming back without... Without the thneed!

He must've sold it, I smiled at the thought of him selling it and being happy.

"Hey onceler over here!"
I shout over to him gesturing him to come over here
He turned around desperately looking for the voice before looking down and seeing us play cards, he walked towards us and stared down at what everyone was playing "What are you guys playing?" he slowly sat down beside me.

"Well me and y/n are playing poker, they are playing go fish and he's eating the cards." he replied back

"Here let me deal you in kiddo." he added onto his sentence and slowly took out some of the cards from the deck and shuffled them.

"Hey your thneed did you sell it?" He looked at me for a moment "Uh yeah no, turns out it's way to ahead of the time." I smile and lean my head on his shoulders, "Hey don't give up that fast."
he smiled at me very heartbroken yet happily after I said that

〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎ Time skip lol

"whos ready for some pancakes!!?" The onceler said happily

everyone almost at once raised their hands as hr started to hand them out one by one

I slowly walked up and stood near his face "Hey we should definitely try an-" I say suggestively
I was quickly cut off by the ground shaking. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow probably wondering what I was going to say, but he brushed it off.

I rushed outside same with almost every animal aswell. I squinted my eyes and heard everyone shouting "Everybody needs a thneed!" I jumped into the closet persons arms which was my boyfriend's ..

we made eye contact back and forth with the crowd then eachothers eyes.

I just wanted to melt into a puddle and evaporate.

Or just to die in general.

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