Flashbacks (2)

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"Honey remember, I'm taking you on a trip."

Her voice kept echoing in my mind

"Isnt this place beautiful y/n.."

Just shut up..

"I promise I will come back, dont worry, just remember I love you."

I dont want to remember..

"Good, just stay here until the next day, and promise me, NEVER to leave this place darling, this place is safe just remember we always loved you.."


I woke up, but yet again in another flash back.

I hid behind a bush yet again near younger me

Younger y/ns pov

Younger me was humming a song watching as the bugs and butterflies went by her, My big e/c eyes were shining in the sun, My long unkept dirty h/c hair was touching my waist.

Hours, days, weeks past, I turned very skinny still waiting for my mother to come back..

As days past, oneday I had enough

"Shes.." I paused too weak to even finish

"She lied?!" I sobbed out and fell to the ground defeated

"Why would she lie??!" I cried out, I slowly stood up searching for food, all I could find were just some berries, I guess its enough for now..

Why would someone break a promise??

Why would my mom lie??

Why would my mom leave me out here in the cold??

Where am I???

why do I keep getting horrible memories.

Maybe she will come back later on, I just need to wait!

No she won't, why would she leave me here in The first place, she left me here when I assume I was 10 and now i'm 20, so that tells it for itself..

I just wish I could meet my mom and family sooner or later, maybe I can find out why they did what they did... I wondered for a moment

Yeah I will do that I will go and find my family oneday.

Just not today.

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