
123 4 9

I woke up alone

I'm guessing his family is here or something..? I slowly got up and put on some nice yet comfy clothes, I hope I make somewhat of a good impression... Hopefully I bit mu lip and slowly peaked through the curtain and saw.. Yeah the whole family is there.. I quickly closed the curtains embarrassed, I hope they didnt see me hehe.

I gulped should I introduce myself, well duh I'm his girlfriend so they are bound to meet me someday, aswell as me meeting them aswell, I cant just magically ignore them, Yeah so I will introduce myself! I puffed out my chest proudly grinning like a gremlin, I quickly fixed my hair and clothes before I slowly opened the door and the family turned to stare at me, I felt so small and inferior at the current moment, I felt like the entire family was judging me to the top of my hair to my shoes, it made me feel...

I felt like a ant.

Slightly.. No not slightly VERY self conscious.. Okay y/n just stay strong and cool, this is his family you are looking at so you want to make a good first impression, That made me feel a bit better but the uncomfortable silence had to be broken by SOMEONE.

"Whos the girl?" The red or orange haired women said judgementally, Well basically they were all judging me so I should get used to it if I'm going to date him.

"Oh.." "OH, this is y/n my girlfriend!" He grabbed me and whispered in my ear "They are my family they can be a bit much so just try to ignore them."
I hummed in response

"Yep i'm y/n.." I said rubbing my hair awkwardly
They all gave me a fake smile before a women with blonde hair walked up and squeezed me into a hug

"Nice to meet you y/n!"

"Though I think oncie can do better, but love is love I guess!" She glared at him before fake smiling back at me

"Mom-" she quickly cut him off before he could speak back at her.

"Chet Bret stop throwing that bear around and get to work!"

I looked defeated, only hope now is that he doesn't break his promise, I look at his hair and notice he still has the tuft, I smile softly, I love that man to death I stared at him with loving eyes.

The lorax slowly came stomped towards us, "Beanpole what is this?!?" He shouted with disapproval "This is my family..!" He glared at him.

"Who let the furry peanut here?" The orange haired women snarkly added to his comment

She quickly shoved her purse onto the black haired mans arms and looked ready for a fight, The lorax did the same and stomped towards her with a glare.

"Woah woah you wouldn't hit a women!" The onceler got into the middle of them to prevent any fights from starting..

"Thats a women??" The lorax pointed at her and looked at me and the onceler with a shocked face...

I tried hard not to burst out laughing so I quickly covered my mouth to prevent from doing so...

He can be so funny yet so mean on accident..
Its so funny when I think about it.

Everyone later on got seperated i to different jobs.

Everyone started to get the tools and axes as I followed oncie into the tent behind him.. I definitely dont want to be alone out there with his family... Just the thought of it makes me scared..

Other then meeting the family

The day went surprisingly slow, I was staying in the oncelers tent sitting beside him resting my head on his shoulder.. Just enjoying the comfortable silence and the presence of him.

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