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I slowly close the door before looking up at the lorax..
wait I meant down hehe

I grab him by his moustache and went as far away from the oncelers tent so he won't hear this conversation..

"Listen." I glare down at him

"Y/N I came to apologize!" he huffed catching his breath and fixing his moustache

"You just ruined a moment, so thank you sooo much for that.!" I say with sarcasm..

He sighs "Sorry for that heart warming moment that is ruined but.."

"Thanks for the apology, now I'm going to go back now byebye!" I flashed a fake smile and started to head back, I felt a hand tug my shirt

"Okay what do you want?" I sigh

"I know the truth!" 'The truth?'

"Of what." I say

"of what happened." I felt built up anger rise up and explode "Okay, thank you for the discovery, BUT I DONT WANT YOUR STORY!" I scoff "I want to learn on my own."

He sighed "If you wish so y/n."

I feel horrible, but he has no right to ruin that, and go on and say stuff like that to my face!

Who does he think he is.

I reach open the door for the oncelers tent and look around 'Great just great he's gone.' I scoff I noticed a note reading

'Hehe well I'm off to sell my thneed for today maybe when I get back we can talk about it'

'-The onceler'

I smile at that note, I think I will tell him how I feel aswell..

"Ahah!" The lorax looks at the note then back at me

"So whats goin on between you two?" He smiled

I blush slightly "Its nothing.."

"Yeah and he told me then you came along." I added on passive aggressively

"Hehe sorry about that..!"

Oh god i cant stay mad at him forever, I look back at him and smile "It's okay.."

"I just don't know how to say I love you back.. more then friends.."

"Maybe give him a gift!" I thought for a moment

"Great idea!" I smile I rush outside the tent and pick up a tree tuft as I pick one up of the same color aswell, I set one on my hair.. "I will give him the other half when he gets back hehe"


I sit down on the ground looking at the stars.. "When will he come back??" I sigh sadly

Did he leave me..?
A gut wrenching feeling flooded my body, he wouldnt do that right..?

I heard a bunch of humming and commotion

Hes here!!

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