
157 4 6

Oncelers pov:

I stopped hearing movement, her response

I felt guilty and most importantly worried to death, she always responds fast, what if something happened to her, or something got to her.

I dont want to think of all the possibilities, it makes me sick to my stomach... I wish I could go back in time and take back everything I said, redoing everything I regret

But this isnt how stuff works.

It isnt a fairytale.

This is reality

And reality can be hard to accept, not accepting the facts will make it worse and worse and worse.

Some things should be accepted as the past then should be moved on.

But this is present, not the past.

I caused this.

I knew I shouldnt have said those stuff..
God what do I mean. I SHOULDNT have said it in the first place..

I banged on the door one last time "Y/n, im not joking open the godamn door..!" I shouted worriedly

No response

Im really starting to get worried..

What if shes scared of me what if she hates me

What if-

Did she run off???


I had a gut wrenching feeling... No I shouldn't lose hope yet, maybe shes just ignoring me... Or wants to be alone, then again I got psychical, so she has every right to get mad or furious at me

I would get mad at me too

Who am I kidding I AM mad at me, nono FURIOUS.

I paused for a minute...

I should check on her just incase something happened, I want to be there for her, like...

Like she was there for me. I felt myself choke my my tears...

Why did I do and say all that stuff?!?

I shouldve saw the signs the day my family came here,

she became upset and started to ignore me, I would be upset and ignore me too..

I wish I did something before it was too late, when I saw that she was upset at me, before I stopped talking to her." I couldn't stop letting my mind race of all of the thoughts and memories of her.

"Y-y/n??" I repeated in a shaky voice


I looked around the surrounding area and saw a axe laying down...

Maybe I can...

use that to open the door..

I slowly started to grin and made my way towards the axe.

I bent down and grabbed a axe, I walked back towards the door and broke a hole in the door for myself, big enough for my hand to go in and unlock it for myself, I quickly opened the door met with cold air hitting my skin, and the darkness of the room flooding the light.

This is technically breaking in, but shes my girlfriend, and I'm worried about her so this time its excusable..

Basically as soon as I broke down the door I was met with cold air hitting my face, I dumbfoundedly looked to ny side and saw a large gaping hole in the house, I mentally face palmed realizing I could've just went in that way, I quickly shrugged it off and searched the home for y/n.

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