New discoveries

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"My name is onceler!" I smile softly yet as he looks away I leave to hide up in the trees curious on why he was here spying on him up above
He looked back to see if I was there a shrugged and grabbed a axe and held it over his shoulder
Talking about a 'Thneed??' Whatever that means
he walks proudly and stops at a tree, following with the group of animals, he looks up before taking a swing at the tree, not stopping til it was all the way down.
The forest creatures began to flinch and run from the area as He smirks and turns around "Check it out guys-" he turned around noticing everyone was gone.. "Where did everyone go?" He looked around squinting his eyes then shrugged and began to pick up the tree

Oh? I stare questioningly as i fall out of the tree a berry knocking on my head on the way down "Ouch." I rubbed my head as I felt a pair of eyes watching me chase after the other animals to catch up with them.

Noticing them surrounding the tree stump 'Is this a cult meeting?' I think before a Orange dwarf with a big yellow moustache popped out of the tree, 'Okay I cant tell if i'm tripping balls or seeing things right now' I stare astonished as a rubbed my eyes watching them all grab hands around the tree with rocks around it aswell
'Oh great now i'm going to be apart of some cult' I sigh loudly and pick up a berry and munched on it..
Such a familiar taste, but I shrugged it off and continued to spy on the dwarf, he walked up to 'Onceler' as he was.. Wait what is he doing..
I squinted my eyes more and saw him dancing around and humming while harvesting the truffula tufts, he grabs one only to be stopped by the.. Creature..

The onceler jumpes up and wails to the floor screaming and shouting like a kid surprised aswell as jumpscared from the orange creature.

"Did you chop down this tree?" He said glancing at the tree then back to the onceler.

"Uhhh nooo-" He got up and brushed off dirt from his clothes he frantically looked around followed up as he said "Who did it?!?" later on distracting the orange guy and then dropping the axe on the poor bear, poor guy..
"I think he did it!" He looks cute I smiled softly.

Everything else sorta went through a blur as I heard the name 'lorax' It felt familiar yet not..
"Im the lorax!!" "Guardian of the forest." he sighed
"I speak for the trees."
The onceler looks clearly not caring and repling back sarcastically.

"Oh I know what you want!" he exclaimed as he brought a marshmallow out of his pocket talking to him like a child "I got this for the cutest little guy I've ever seen!" "Give me that!" He snatched the marshmallow from his hands inspecting it before replying "I'm going to eat this but I am highly offended by it." He chewed on the marshmallow before they started to bicker again
You watched dumbfounded as I watched them bicker and fight like children chasing each other around like a game of tag.
He suddenly went on a rant about chopping down as much trees "You know what, I'm going to chop down as many trees as I want, and NOBODY will stop me!" He huffed
I slowly stopped hiding and stared like I just witnessed a crime scene.
The lorax suddenly turned to me in a aggressive tone
"Are you with beanpole?" he says sternly
I blush abit then I snap to my senses
"I live in this forest , I'm not going to harm the forest or the trees & animals!" I smile brightly
"Don't worry, Im just trying to.."

I try to think of the right words to say this..
"Im just trying to find myself." I say genuinely
The lorax looks at you "Mhm okay kid, just stay out of trouble." He says in a fatherly tone, I smile softly before heading off to my cabin, as I head out I turn around slowly looking at the oncelers tent, 'Maybe I should say hello.. ' since we will be neighbors and all soon..

I slowly knock on the door hesitating if I should run or stay.

I was to frozen to do anything as he opens the door

"I told you to go awa-" He paused once he made eye contact with me and blushed sheepishly

"Oh hellloo!" He says smiling I look into his tent/cabin and notice knitting supplies and a cloth made out of the truffula tufts.

He noticed me staring at the what Im presuming is the 'Thneed..'

"Are you intrested?" He smiled goofily asking me if I wanted to help him knit, and try on the thneed.
I was quite interested in this 'thneed' so I agreed and followed him inside, looking curiously at the half finished object "What is a thneed?" I ask questioningly

"It can be used in over a THOUSAND uses"
He said proudly of himself

I was too in awe of what to say..
"That sounds pretty cool!"
I smile.

"What brings you here?" he asks while sitting down Continuing to knit his thneed
"Well, I don't remember, but.." I think for a right response.

"I think I might stay here for awhile." I smile gently

He hums in response and bites a thread and then picks it up showing his masterpiece to Y/N

"Dont you love it?" He says admiring his work..


"It looks..interesting, but will you sell them this week?"

He laughed a little "Well yeah of course I will!" He sheepishly smiled

"I'll probably go on and try and sell it tomorrow, but im going to go sleep, you can come with me if you want!" I smile at his offer

"I'll decline on coming with you however I will wish you luck."

"Hey do you want to stay the night at my cabin?? in the morning in making pancakes!" He exclaimed

"I'll come back later, I need to get some stuff done at my cabin" I sigh
I smiled softly as I exited his tent saying a quick goodbye and left to my own home.

I enjoyed the peacful walk home, each step as I got closer to my tent my heart wrenched I stopped at my designation.

I sighed as I opened the door I felt calm..?
As I made it to my cabin I opened up the door with a single CLICK and hop into bed.
"Tomorrow is another day. " I say bored as I change my bandages for my legs.

"Im feeling alot of emotions and its really starting to overwelm me." I sigh talking to myself.

Or I thought
The lorax looked at me sitting at my window frame basically scaring me half to death. "AAH-" I covered my mouth with my hands to prevent making any loud noises

"I'm a worried about the path you are taking y/n."
He said stern yet scolding me almost.
"You cant choose the paths I take."
I say offended yet I bit my bottom lip wondering what he meant by that..

"Just be careful with your choices, becoming someone you aren't, is a dangerous game to play y/n, just choose wisely." He hopped off my window frame as I rushed to check to see if he was gone, just lile that he disappeared..

Those words kept me up most of the night..

What paths..

Am I doing the bad thing??

Maybe I wont go sleep at his place for the night if thats what hes talking about??

You know what I dont care I'll do what I want to do.

A few tears slip from my eyes, I hate being alone..

A bunch of emotions and flashbacks of my childhood emotions kept going all over the place I was too tired and sad to process something, but the only thing I picked up from all of this was that.. I was left alone in this forest my mom and dad abandoning me completely..

What the hell??
I couldnt tell if thats what I went through, If that was me, if that was just a clone if the was all a stupid dream..

I fucking hate this I sighed..

But I dont want to be alone tonight.. I think sheepishly..

Who am I? (Onceler X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now