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"Uhm well, I will tell you more maybe but.." I thought for a moment

Well I don't think I will tell him about the memory part

"I think I have a broken leg." I say with a blank expression

Maybe I can lie and say I gained it when I fell, or would that be to soon?? It's worth a shot!

"I think when that boulder flew us up in the air and when I fell is when, it broke?" I said god that sounded like such a lie, well maybe it's because it IS a lie I mentally scoffed at myself.

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow before responding again "Well I think I have some bandaids and stuff for that, You want help?" He asks sincerely

"Mhm!" I smile happily, He slowly put his arm around mine helping me walk more.


As we made it into his cabin he slowly walks in and sets me down on his bed.
He walked out humming a familiar tune, I think it was same one I heard him humming when I first saw him.

It wasn't until later he finally came back grinning with some wipes and a bandaid and smiled at me with a grin "I found some stuff, may not be a lot but we can make it work!" I return his grin nervously.

''Can I take a shower first though?"

He nods


"Owch" I shriek

"Stay still or else I cant put it on!!" He said a bit loud

He said as he finally wraps my leg with a bandage, and doing the same with the other leg.

"Do you feel more refreshed after your shower?" he asks

"Yeah much better actually, I hope it wasnt a bother for me coming over." I rubbed the back of my head shyly

"Of course not, you can stay the night as we said, I mean I'm still making pancakes!" He smiles at me

"Of course." I laugh slightly.

I sit on his bed and slowly tucked in, I watch as he sleeps on his desk, I felt sorta bad, but I understood why.

I felt my vision growing heavy as I finally closed my eyes and headed to sleep.


I felt a drop on my face I heard a shriek and woke up to see, almost the entire forest in his tent

"What is.-" "Well most importantly what are YOU doing here." He pokes at the Lorax

"Well you left over one of your socks so we went over to give it to you, but you both looked so COOZY, AND WARM!! and we couldnt help it because it was so cold out!" The lorax said very animated
Onceler looks very.. Unfased..
"And we did say that we would.. Keep a eye on you. "
th onceler opened the fridge

I groan loudly knowing damn well we probably dont have enough for pancakes

The onceler slowly giggled "hehe Maybe pancakes for tomorrow.. "

I nod slowly, why is he so silly..

Each day was worth it hanging out with him but...
Something felt wrong


As the first weeks past by, me and him got really close

I knew I was slowly falling in love but..
I feel like I shouldn't, I need to ignore this feeling.. I sigh sitting in my bed, but what if he likes me, what will happen??.
Plus we barely known eachother for a week!
It just doesn't feel right..

Welp I doubt it, hes too busy on his 'thneeds anyway. '
I dont think my past self will be to proud of me.

Yknow what screw my past self!! I felt rage building up inside of me

This is me, not my past self, a new version, its my fault for even losing my memory in the first place.!
Yeah thats it!

I slowly go outside my cabin holding a umbrella, theres been, lots of storms recently, my heart drops each time it rains, I dont know why, I always get so much flashbacks..

Im just going to go to his place..

As each step I take.. A overwhelming sense of belonging, despair, sadness hatred, and betrayal wash over me as my vision fades..

'Is this..? -'

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