Broken promises

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I don't remember the last time me and him last talked...

Ever since he got more and more rich, he just stopped talking to me, he even took out the truffula tuft.

The sky has been growing more and more gray with smog..

I need to speak with him.. But I dont know what to say.

Each day I've been just having...

Horrible thoughts.. getting worse each day.

Each day it's getting harder and harder to breathe...
i'm starting to get fed up

I stormed my way to his factory each step I took the closer I felt lightheaded, its so hard to breathe...

I finally made it to his factory and stormed towards the entrance I slammed open the door and shut it, taking a elevator to the highest floor, I exited and saw signs like 'Too big to fail.' and 'how many thneeds being sold.' Each time I read the signs the more I got pissed off. 'People are crazy.'

I opened the door and saw him sitting on his chair building a town called 'Thneedvile.' he's getting obsessed... I frowned, I scanned around the room seeing all the couches and decorations.

"Oh hey Y/N!" I got snapped out of my thoughts and turned and met his blue eyes, hes wearing a green shirt with a black top hat.. And he took off my gift wow would you look at that sooo shocking....

I frowned and looked at him up and down "Oh... Hey." I say disappointed and I crossed my arms

There was silence for a slight second until it was broke by him.

He sighed angrily "Y/n arent you happy for me? I finally got my dream and you tree huggers are trying to ruin it?!?" he blurted out and leaned against his chair

"If you just came here to argue just leave." He glared

"I dont even get why I dated you, mom was right about you, I shouldve just listened. " He scoffed..


I gasped then glared at him "You know what." I sighed

"Screw you, screw this relationship and SCREW YOUR FAMILY AND THNEEDS.!" I shouted at him

He slowly got up and walked over to me looking down, I kept backing up but I froze in fear..

He grabbed me by my throat and raised his hand before I felt a sharp pain on my face.. Did he just slap me...? I put my hand over my cheek before looking at him with glossy eyes 'Why is he doing this.. ' He glared at me his arms wrapping harder and harder against my neck..I felt myself running out of breath before he let me go.

I fell to the ground staring down in defeat catching my breath thinking to myself..

'They all got into his head. '

'He used to be so kind..? '

I frowned, maybe its just a phase hes going through, I shouldn't judge him, hes my boyfriend...

I brushed those thoughts out of my head, I finally caught up with my breath and opened up my mouth to speak but he must've noticed because not too after
He slowly grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards the door..

"I wish I never met you." I sobbed quietly before he threw me out of his room roughly.

I heard a large slam behind me as I winced/flinched at the sudden contact to the floor.

"WELL I WISH I NEVER DATED YOU." He shouted through the door...

'He didnt mean that right...? ' I felt tears build up in my eyes...

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