Everybody needs a thneed?

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The crowd slowly started to wave cash around for a thneed, all humming a song and others singing the song, basically chanting "Everybody needs a thneed." I got a gut wrenching feeling yet again, what if he breaks his promise, what if- No I shouldn't think these stuff, hes my boyfriend after all and I need to support him!

the onceler dropped me down I wince by the contact with the ground.. 'Okay what the hell?'

He quickly ran towards the crowd taking the money each by each nodding his head to the music and song, the crowd lifted him up and lifted him up into the air and catched him repeatedly, I love seeing him happy, but I had a bad feeling about this all.

Just remember what I said y/n, hes my boyfriend he probably doesnt mean it.. Hopefully, I need to support the people I love no matter what!! Right?? i think thats how books and movies go.. I smile softly.

I will support him and his business no matter what, I love him and hes my boyfriend! I smile brightly.

I saw him slowly pick up a phone and called his mother, or what I'm assuming was his mother
"Mom get the whole family here!!" Okay its his mother hes calling. He said excited "We are going to be rich!"  He jumped up and down happily before hanging up the call and continuing to grab the cash from peoples hands

I felt my heart break by the last sentence.. 'He only cared about getting rich?? '. Almost every bone in my shattered..  Did he even love me..? Or did he care about just being rich.. No, hes my boyfriend he loves me and he wouldn't leave me for cash! Right?? No right he wouldn't do that me and break the promise!! remember what I said y/n, hes my boyfriend.

He wouldnt do that to me right?? Plus he made a promise and he loves me and I love him too, so. It's all good.. I think?

I looked at the lorax staring at me with eyes that scream 'Im sorry about him' "I'm sure he doesnt mean it.." He sighed and frowned, breaking eye contact looking back up at my boyfriend again, he glared at him, but it was all too late, theres no point in going back now.

Hes deadset about this thneed business. I sighed

Im just happy for him, I hope he gets what he wants in life..

I smile just at the thought

"I hope." he muttered out
Each person disappeared one by one, it was basically nighttime now.



To sunset and night

As the crowd slowly disappeared the onceler approached me with bright blue eyes and a sharky grin smiling at me looking for some reassurance and support. All I did was just smile at him, my throat closed up anytime I wanted to speak..

He wont break the promise right???

I got snapped out of my thoughts by him speaking up yet again.

"I cant wait to prove my family wrong!" He said happily and proud. I wanted to yell at him, I wanted to cry..

Nothing came out..

"Yeah, good luck.." I guess he noticed so he reassured me and wrapped his arms around my shoulder, he let go and grabbed my arms..

"I wont chop down any trees don't worry.." He patted my hair, I quickly hugged him and kissed him softly on the lips.
"You better not." I grin at him

He laughed playfully as we both ran towards his house playing a game of tag, he opened the door and layed down on his bed huffing for air.

I ran inside just before him, and I shut the door before jumping and tackling myself on his bed aswell. We both just laughed and told some jokes for a couple of minutes but, I couldnt get what happened off my mind..

Is he breaking his promise,?

Did he ever even love me?

I shouldn't think of this, Lets just focus on the happy stuff, Im sure he loves me and I'm sure he wont break his promise

'I hope.. ' I just frown and the thought

The onceler probably noticed because he turned around and cupped my face and began to reassure me

"I love you y/n." He smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek "I wont break my promise or hurt you and the forest, I promise." He gave me a toothy yet tired grin. Hes so cute, he just makes everything better, I'm glad he came into my life.

"I love you too." I blush and added on.. "I'm glad I talked to you oncie-"

"I just wish you guys would stop nagging me about it, it's starting to get irritating" He snapped..


did I say something wrong??

maybe he just had a bad day that's all...

"Oh hehe sorry about that.."

I was soon cut off by a
a snore echoing throughout the tent... I sighed and frowned sadly

I wish he spent more time home.

"Goodnight beanpole." I smile and kiss him on the cheek and cuddled him, enjoying every moment together with him, I shut my eyes and thought about everything that happened today leading up to now.

I'm sure it wont get THAT bad right?

and I don't want to be that type of girlfriend....

Hes a good boyfriend

And a good friend

And a good person aswell

I hope it doesnt end.

I really do love him to pieces..

I'm glad I met him.
I smiled softly and fondly at the day and memory of when we first met before I drifted off too sleep, thinking of all the memories and weeks we spent together.

Even if it meant dying I will still love him.

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