My path

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I slowly woke up in a unfamiliar, familiar place??

I scanned the room til my vision wasnt blurry then I was met with blue asf eyes..

"AHHH WHAT!" I yelped and jumped back

"W-woah come down young women!"
I nearly wanted to slap his face, butttttt hes my 'Friend?' right?

I felt my s/c grow warm "What am I doing in your house.. most importantly your bed?" I slowly get scared at the end

"Oh well, I saw you out in the cold and I didnt want you to get sick soo, I had extra room in my tent!"

he smiled brightly ... That seemed.. like a true story...

I slowly change the subject "Sooo how's the thneed selling goin?" He rubbed the back of his neck before sheepishly looking at me.. "Well, it's going somewhere.."

"Oh.." I didn't know if it was good or bad but...

"Y/N I wanted to tell you something.." He said out of nowhere.. I felt my face warm up at the thought
"I-" He...?
"BEANPOLE, can you help pipsqueak reach a berry?" He asked calmly

I groaned mentally 'I wonder what he wanted to ask me..?'

As the onceler exited the tent the lorax jumped on the bed at sat next to me "I need to speak with you y/n"
"Me..?!" I pause shocked "Wait why?" just come with me...
I open the door for us then close it behind me, he runs ahead of me as I'm assuming he's leading me somewhere

we pause at a pond and he sits down I pause standing over him.. what could he possibly want now??

I was broken out of my thoughts when he replied "Come sit down, its about, him and you." I reluctantly sat next to him curious what he wanted to say and me and the onceler..

"Look, y/n.." He paused looking for the right words..
"I think you are choosing the wrong path.." he looked down avoiding my eye contact..

'What the hell????' he can't tell me what I can and can't do!!

"Oh did you just break that moment between me and him just to lecture me?!?" "No I-" he stuttered "NO, it's my life not yours you aren't the boss, now leave me alone!" I rush away from him ignoring his yells, he eventually or hopefully gave up because I didn't hear his voice anymore..
I hate people telling me what I can and can't do..!

I walk towards the oncelers tent I open the door meeting eyes with him

I slowly gasp and cover my mouth..

"So uhm.." I look away "What did you want to tell me..?" The onceler blushed and grabbed me by my hand and pulled me inside my face inches away from his.. "Uhm.. yeah?" I say sheepishly

"I wanted to tell you something y/n.." He said still making eye contact with me..

"I think I love you.."

"Y/N WAIT I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!!" Jesus thanks for ruining the moment lorax

I smile at him and peck him on the lips "I like you too onceler we make good friends, we will discuss about it later, I'll be right back." I step out of his tent I turn behind me and saw heart broken eyes, I felt so horrible, but..

Somethings don't work.

This is one of those things.
And I can't let myself repeat my old footsteps.

Who am I? (Onceler X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now