Me and Onceler

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(Jus a filler chapter with you and onceler hanging out :D THIS IS ALL BEFORE THE THNEED GETS SOLD SO DW IF YOU READ THIS FIRST)

There was a meteor shower tonight, I always wanted to watch meteor showers with a friend or one I loved, I loved stars and the sky, I hope he wants to watch the stars aswell, I blush slightly imagining us watching the stars together.

I tugged at his shirt desperately trying to wake him up, I hope he isn't that much of a deep sleeper, by the time I will wake him up the meteor showers would be over by now!! I gulped

"Oncie theres a meteor shower!" I said with star struck eyes I shouted and tugged more on his pyjamas, "Cmoncmoncmoncmon!!!" I whine like a child shaking him more desperate to wake him up to watch the sky with him.

He slowly opened his eyes "H-huh..?" He asked

"I wanna watch meteor showers with you!" I smile happily grinning. He slowly rubbed his eyes adjusting to suddenly being woke up
"Watch huh,?" He repeated again confused

"meteor showers!" I repeat again
He sighed tired before responding "Sure why not?" He smiled I gasped and grabbed him by the hand I opened the door and pushed him to the floor before falling right beside him
He huffed after making rough contact with the floor rubbing his back before laying down with me.

My childhood dream Is basically coming true, I'm happy I'm watching it with him.. I smile softly

We were sitting un silence just staring at the stars the sky and stars reflecting on his blue eyes and my e/c eyes.

I looked at him before being met with his blue eyes I quickly looked away blushing because later on he said "Hehe sorry.." 

"Dont worry oncie." I smile "Never say sorry for something that Isn't your fault." I touch the truffula tuft in my hair as I looked at his and he still had it in...

"Isnt this place so beautiful y/n?" that sentence felt so familiar but I choose to ignore the familiarity, maybe I heard it in a movie. "Of course it is oncie." I smiled, I placed my hand on his, he slightly jumped then adjusted to the sudden of contact.

Hes so cute but, I cant get something off my mind.
I've been trying to hold it back, but I just need to say it, it's been controlling my thoughts foreverrrr, I just need to ask him.

"Promise me you wont chop down a tree." I blurted out and covered my mouth, well since it's out it's out... I slowly take my hands off my mouth

I paused and bit my lip "This place is basically my home." I added on sheepishly

I reached my hand and put it on his other hand holding it tight, he was just still not replying frozen in place before he spoke up.

"I promise." He replied monotone, almost annoyed but covered it up, Was he annoyed at me for asking that question??

I hope not haha...

I smiled trying to shake those thoughts out of my head. "I love you." I need to stop being so negative, he loves me and I love him back, People who love each other don't hate each other right?? So he must not hated me!! I think proudly happy with my final conclusion for the situation.

"I love you too y/n"

"Isnt the sky so beautiful tonight?" I reached my hand to the stars like I was trying to touch the sky

"Almost as pretty as you." he flirted

"Not as handsome as you though" I smirked we both kept flirting adding more light to the conversation and vibe, That's what I like about him..

I smile just thinking of him..

I'm glad Im dating him.

"I love you." I blurt out

"I love you too." He replied back in a smile.

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