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I slowly make my way towards the oncelers tent, gently knocking, until I gotten a answer, he finally opened the door a bit grumpy then he brightened up when he saw me, I felt bad, but I just didnt want to be alone tonight..

Thinking of the emotions and memories got me scared of being alone.

"Can I please stay at your tent for awhile.?" I ask

he rubs his eyes and nods, I slowly make my way through his tent wondering where he would sleep, and where I would sleep..

I just sighed as I watched him go into his bed I decided to go on aswell, making him jump.

"Sorry, I," I take out a long sigh.
"I dont want to be alone tonight.."
"Sorry if Im making it weird for uh, yknow."

I decided to take him on his offer, but hey free pancakes right?

He curves his lips into a smile "You aren't making it weird, I just didn't expect another person to be here you know!" I smiled softly at those words.

We make some small talk for awhile as he shuts his eyes, as I slowly drift off to bed.

'Tomorrow is new day' I smile bright as my vision fades out, and I'm looking forward to it

"Who taught you guys to steal a bed?!?" the lorax sighed
he watched as the bed got through the window and he slowly placed it in the water watching it gracefully float away in the river.
"Nice work you guys-" he turns around and sees y/n and pipsqueak in the bed floating away as pipsqueak smiles and waves at them
"Does he know how to swim??" He gasps
All the animals shake their heads no
"Of course he doesnt!" he groans "Guys go and stop the bed!" He yells at the fish only taking of the blanket he face palms "Guys chase after the bed!" he points at the bed floating away.

I start to shiver as the cold wind hits my face I grab onto the closest thing near me, as soon as that I felt warm arms wrap around my body
It was starting to get colder and colder..

'Suddenly a cold sensation hit my body all at once I gripped onto whatever I was hugging and the person who hugged me pulled me in closer'

"What.. Where am I??"
I frantically looked around me noticing I was hugging a bear like a stuffed animal, I looked at who hugged me I guess he looked at me aswell as I made eye contact the onceler we both shrieked and jumped away from eachother, I let pipsqueak go and broke eye contact realizing


We are floating in a river??
"What the hell is happening ?" I asked as I saw the lorax chasing after us

I looked at the onceler with raised eyebrows and he noticed and just shrugged at me

"LOOK AHEAD OF YOU GUYS!!" The lorax shouted
I quickly swing around seeing A bunch of rocks and a.. waterfall?!?

Now that's when I really started to panic, am I going to die?!?
I barely even found anything about myself other then a weird flashback and a stupid journal, you know what journal or book I still get irritated whenever I look at it.

"Are we going to die??" I look down sighing
The onceler looked at me with blue eyes, what the hell...he has longer eyelashs then me..
I feel like I was staring for too long because he quickly turned away blushing.

'Damn okay..' I frowned

I close my eyes for one godamn second YET AGAIN!? Then find myself flying high up in the air feeling the wind and air hit my face and body, I acted out of instinct and grabbed the tiny bear almost as a thank you for saving me as I fell flat to the the ground with a loud


I winced of pain, my leg??! I need to go and check on it I bit my bottom lip, but wouldnt it be weird if I just, left?

Nah I dont think so but I will wait til he wakes up.

Me and the lorax stare at him seeing if he was responsive and at one point I thought he was dead but the lorax slapped his face a bunch if times then made friction between too bears and used it as a electric shock.

He quickly jumped up and started coughing I felt a strange wave of relief and made my way towards him with wide e/c and inching closer to him slowly trying not to tear up in front of them all because of the amount of pain I felt..

But I feel like the lorax knows whats going on with me, he looks at me like a concerned father and its starting to annoy me.

I let out a huge sigh and finally made it to him

"Onceler are you okay??" I asked him almost like a worried mother

He shot up and shouted to the Lorax thanking him "Omg that was so scary, we were in the water then you saved me an-" It finally clicked to him as this clicked to me well.

"Wait what was my bed doing in the water?" He said sternly

"Well since you wouldnt leave, I wanted to calmly float you away!" the lorax chuckled

"You know what mustache, whats the big deal?" he snapped back "Well you chopped down a tree and thats bad!" he added on "I speak for the trees!"

He rolled his eyes and looked down to see pipsqueak tugging at his clothes with wide pleading eyes, aswell as every other animal looking at him, aswell as me with pleading eyes.

"Promise you wont chop down another tree." He said sternly

the onceler looked like his train of thought paused before it started up again "I promise!" He said putting his hand on his chest and his hand up smiling like a goofy kid, it made me happy every time I saw him smile like that.

"Alright but I'll keep my eye on you." He glared before it softens at looked at me "You arent here to chop down trees are you y/n?" Wait did I tell him my name or did he just hear it, I'm probably just overthinking this, I got snapped out of my thoughts by a loud "AHEM."

"Oh uhm, no I dont know why I'm here but I feel like I'm going to stay here!" I said quietly as I spoke louder and louder growing with confidence

"Oh.. So you dont remember?" He asked
I feel like I shouldnt tell them, yeah I wont tell them!
"No I do remember, I just think I'm here to stay and I'm trying to find myself!" I said with sincerity, it was half true though, I am trying to find myself I feel bad for lying but sometimes its best to lie..

They probably both know something is up with me anyways so it wont be long til they try to investigate themselves.

I get snapped out of my train of thought yet again "Soo.. You are going to let her stay yet want me to leave?" He glances back at the Lorax

"Is there a problem of me being here?" I snapped back at him He turned a lot flustered "N-no no what I mean is that- why does he want me to leave, yet you can stay?" I feel like this is a insult but he said it like a genuine question so maybe it's not a insult right?

"Well you aren't going to harm anything y/n right?" The Lorax asked "Well no of course not!" I smiled brightly

"That's why, however I'm still going to keep a eye out on you BOTH" He said leaving slowly put keeping his eyes on us..

He slowly bumped into a tree and stumbled and mumbled something underneath his breath, so that's always something I guess.

The Onceler look unamused then his attention turned to me "Do you remember anything, I feel like what you told back there was a lie.?" He asked to me genuinely.

Should I tell him or not I will feel bad but, does he NEED to know is it his BUSINESS to know?

Maybe I will tell him later but I completely forgot about my leg, I cant keep in my tears of pain anymore, I hate crying infront of others, it makes me feel weak and like a burden but, this time it just spilt all out.


He had a shocked expression not knowing I would blow up like this, then he slowly came over and began to comfort me "Hey, hey it's okay!" "Calm down!" he leaned down to hug me.

I slowly took deep breaths in and out before speaking again

Who am I? (Onceler X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now