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This may or may not be the end of the book

Yayyy cliffhanger well, especially for y/n

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Yayyy cliffhanger well, especially for y/n.


We will just have to see if it's the end or a beginning to somethin big

Soo I hope you enjoyed!!!! Soooo have fun ig??

Ty for reading :D

I'll make sure to update the book every once in awhile for spelling errors, edits etc

And maybe let yall know if theres a second book!!! <3

As I said before, I havent wrote a wattpad story in awhile so forgive me if its hard to read, cringe or dossnt make sense

Also please please please lmk if I left any spelling errors or mistakes and I will fix it right up!!
Writing and reading is a general hobby for me so I would love to know if I left any mistakes!!

Aswell remember to check out the other update pages, aswell as the first one just incase I forgot to say anything here haha!!

Im feeling like I had alot to forget

But y/n... Y/n was made to be somewhat relatable, but not everything about her is relatable as this is a wattpad story for godsake so I had a lil fun, yet again on the first page, This had alot of triggering topics at the end soo :)

And ofc remember I will update and edit the book every once in awhile this is just the final (?) project and theres bound to be mistakes, as time goes I will proof read, or have my friends proof read then I will edit.!

Like I said I never like to publish books or stories that arent fully finished so I finished the rest today as I published the other pages :3

So I rushed A bit on some of the pages, obviously I will edit mistakes just lmk and boom I will edit, though I dont go on wattpad alot so it make take awhile for edits/updates, and replies+requests being answered so be patient as I cant answer ALL the replies and comments, as I have better things to do (ex. School, chores etc) aswell as seeing my friends and family :)

Aswell as exams are comin out so yeah!! <333

I will update you guys on if there's a second book!!!

however this is the ending, so I hope you enjoyed.

Feel free to add suggestions here aswell as lmk if theres any mistakes/spelling mistakes ------>

Love yall bye bye

Also I hope you all have a good summer :}

Also I hope you all have a good summer :}

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