Flash back

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A storm echoed throughout the forest
The memory was so blurry but... It felt true

I saw my younger self I had bruises, dirt, cat scratches and some scratches on my knee, assuming I played lots of sports as a kid.. ripped jeans and a large oversized jacket and wearing to keep myself warm aswell as a large weighted blanket in my arms, I think I came from a poor family, or just a feisty kid.

I had long unbrushed h/c and pain filled eyes I was just standing in shock in the memory.

"Mom..? Why are you taking me here, wheres the rest of the family?" I ask innocently and oblivious.

What...?  What kind of memory is this, it has to be fake

I knew, I knew it must be real, I don't want to accept it..

A soft yet heartbroken voice spoke up.
The long haired women with s/c and looked as bruised and heartbroken, she wore a long sleeved shirt with a hoodie aswell as some cargo shorts with white knee socks and some sandals.

She bit her lip and spoke up yet again "Isnt this place beautiful y/n.." She grabbed younger me by the chin then by the shoulders..

"Go set it up, the rest are coming later on okay my sweetie." she choked on her tears yet brushed it off
But I already noticed

"Mom why are you crying?" god.. This hurts to watch..

"Its nothing, just I'm happy for you.." she said with a shit eating grin yet, sad smile aswell.. "I promise I will come back, dont worry, just remember I love you."

"Oh..?" I know damn well younger me didn't believe it.. right?

"Ok!" omfg of course old me did..

My mother smiled softly "Good, just stay here until the next day, and promise me, NEVER to leave this place darling, this place is safe just remember we always loved you.." My mother leaned it for one last hug and booped my nose.
before hopping into the car and leaving.

Younger me was just standing there for half a week waiting for my family to come back, but... They never did??

each day I became more and more unkept

more tangled and unkept hair.

why would they do that to her.. to me!

I felt tears of sadness yet anger flood down my cheek, I felt someone pick me up, then set me down and warm and comfort flooded and overpowered those emotions...

Maybe it doesn't matter anymore.. this is a new me

Not my past me...

I slowly smiled...

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