Chapter 8 - Aurora

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I wake up to the glow of sunlight streaming into my window. My body is stiff with sleep, but I have no intentions of leaving the comfort of my new bed. I curl up in a ball and revel in the warmth of the sun. I open and close my eyes a few times, getting them used to the light. When the sensation of needing to pee hits me, I prepare to ignore it. Having been allowed only one visit to the bathroom a day for the last year has given me a level of control over my bladder. My eyes shoot to the door across the room when I remember I have my own bathroom now.

Excitement courses through me and I jump out of bed, cross the room in two steps, and wrench open the bathroom door. There she is – a glorious toilet – all for me. Since my appearance sent me into a state of depression last night, I didn't bother taking in the rest of the bathroom. There's a small toilet next to the sink, which I immediately sit on to relieve myself. Across from me is a mid-sized washtub, with actual taps, meaning I won't have to fill it up with buckets of water from the sink.

I haven't been offered this level of comfort since before my mom left. I wash my hands, feeling the stinging sensation of tears attempting to fall. My eyes blur, but I look in the mirror and force my features to harden. I swallow the lump that had formed in my throat and blink back the tears.

It's time for some desperately needed self-care; I get a bath started before rummaging through the cupboard under the sink and finding some toothpaste, a toothbrush, and a shampoo bar. I scrub my teeth furiously three times over, then soak in a hot bath until the water turns cold.

As I'm drying myself off with the only towel I could find, I think seriously about just staying here; giving some blood every few weeks in exchange for comfort and an odd kind of safety, is considerably tempting. As I begin to imagine it, a distant growl makes me jump out of the bathroom and face my room – my empty room.

What the-? I hear it again, even quieter this time but just as angry. I'm either losing my damn mind, or my wolf is growling at me. How she is able to do that, I have no idea. My only guess is, she must be getting stronger as the hours tick down.

I assume she was stating her disagreement with my thoughts of staying here, but I can't help how tempting the appeal of my own bathroom is. Who knows how long I'll be on the road for as I make my way back to the empire.

My reasoning for going back however, ceases all thoughts of staying. I have a list, and I'm desperate to cross off all four names. The promise of revenge was my reason for living while I rotted in the dungeons, it was what kept me going everyday, and stopped me from going crazy. I think. Maybe I did go a little crazy.

I hear the rattling of the door compartment opening and a tray appears on the little ledge. "I have your breakfast, miss," comes a female voice. The hands holding the tray have pink painted nails and bracelets dangling from her wrists. On her left-hand rests the biggest diamond ring I've ever seen – not that I've seen many.

Wrapping the towel around my body, I make my way over to the door and place my hands on the other side of the tray, she releases it instantly and speaks again, "Just knock on the door when you're finished." She closes the little compartment and I look down at the tray in my hands.

Eggs, beans, sausages, and toast are plated next to a glass of some kind of juice I've never seen before. I tentatively give it a sniff; it smells like some type of blueberry and pomegranate combination. It literally glistens like snow and has a translucent ivory colour.

I place the tray on my desk, pull out the chair and sit down. I inhale the savoury scent emanating from the food, and barely stop myself from drooling. Immediately, I'm scarfing it down, burning my tongue in the process. When I clear the plate, I pick up the glass of juice. It looks ethereal but smells delicious, so I toss it back and a crisp sweetness explodes over my tongue. Fuck, that's good.

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