[35] an alliance

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What in the...world?

I opened my eyes, but it was too bright. My eyes adjusted to the brightness, but my vision was still blurry. 

Fluorescent lights. Lots of doors. Sliding doors. IV drip. I'm lying down on a bed. The whole world is moving.

I looked at my left arm and saw a tube attached to it.

I looked at the nurses and the doctor, pushing me somewhere. I looked at one of the nurses.

"Er...where am I?

"Somewhere you aren't supposed to be. Hang on." She winked.

Well, damnit. This is my 48th hospital visit this year.

I touched my neck, and the collar wasn't there. What happened?

"What about his vitals, Anne?" The doctor spoke.

"I have no idea what that is, but he's fine?"

By now, my vision has become less blurry. They pushed me into a room, and I heard the door lock shut. Curious, I sit up.

"Well, if this isn't a sight for sore eyes." 

My team and STAYC were all here! How touching.

Apparently, "nurses and doctors" weren't who I thought they were. They started to remove their coats, scrubs and hair caps. Well, if it wasn't the masters of disguises, GWSN.

"What is this, a family reunion or what?" I chuckled, sitting up. 

"How are you, Sunwoo? Are you okay?" Sangyeon asked, concerned, clearly not in the mood for dry jokes. I lie back down on the bed, sighing.

"I'm fine, but honestly? I thought I wouldn't be able to survive."

"You should thank Cheng Xiao for that," Jacob replied. I looked at the girl and nodded as a gesture to thank her.

Kevin tossed some clothes for me to change into later, and I grinned.

"So...what do we do now?" Isa asked, arms folded.

"Let's ally, even though we would doublecross Stray Kids. We acknowledge that you all helped us escape, even though it wasn't instructed. But we'll have to lay low for a while, just in case...you know." Hyunjae spoke.

"We'll update you all if anything happens. See you again, kids." Eric did a mini salute, and the girls bowed before exiting the room. I took off my hospital gown and changed into the clothes Kevin gave me.

"What's our next move?" I asked, putting on the collar. 

"We have to run. What we just did is gonna get all of us killed. From now on, we will have to limit the usage of anything related to technology, or they will be able to track us," Haknyeon sighed, shutting his phone down.

 From now on, we will have to limit the usage of anything related to technology, or they will be able to track us," Haknyeon sighed, shutting his phone down

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i accidentally published chapter 36 and left wattpad for like three weeks but no one told me that 😭

so bad : staycWhere stories live. Discover now